Looking at NuttX source code, I couldn't find any example of an
application that implements the ESP8266 functions. Is there any place
where I can find reference for this use?
There is a separate application in apps/netutils/esp8266.  I've never
tried it though, so I don't now about its state.

There is also the the apps/wireless/gs2200m that is a very mature, USRSOCK wireless interface and should be very similar to an ESP8266 USRSOCK solution.

The apps/netutils/esp8266 is a standalone C callable library for ESP8266 interfacing.  It was contributed by Pierre-noel Bouteville in 2016 and I am not aware that it has every been used since then.

I really should have a USRSOCK interface and should reside at apps/wireless/esp8266.

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