
I am trying to create my own uart serial driver which includes transmit and
receive data  .

For that i was trying to understand a sample example which is given
already. For this example given file are mentioned below,
In nuttx folder,
1. nuttx/drivers/serial.c
2. nuttx/include/nuttx/serial/serial.h
But in *nuttx/boards/arm/stm32h7/nucleo-h743zi2/src*   no file is present
for the serial driver.  So here do we have to create a file or the driver
will work as it is?

In app folder,
apps/examples/serialrx/serialrx_main.c     devpath given like this */dev/ttyS0
, *what does this mean? as  per my board device port is ACM0, so should i
include */dev/ttyACM0* instead of  */dev/ttyS0.*

In menuconfig, i have selected *serial RX example*,

How to make it run, does anyone please tell me how this example is working.

Thanks & Regards,
Rushikesh Ghatkar

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