There are ways, like there are via some VMs, but I've not tried them. I do have an old, spare, laptop and also a PC so can always load 18.04 on those if all else fails.

On 21/01/2022 18:15, Alan Carvalho de Assis wrote:
WSL doesn't have USB support AFAIK, I think even WSL2 it doesn't work fine

On 1/21/22, TimH<>  wrote:
I guess I can try it on WSL too, but I'll also set up my Linux machine
to dual boot 20.04 and 18.04. All part of the "Tim gets to grips with
Linux" life experience :)

On 21/01/2022 16:30, Alan Carvalho de Assis wrote:
Hi Tim,
did you try other Linux distro? Maybe it could be some incompatibility
in recent Linux kernel.

I suggest you to test on an old Linux distro (i.e. Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)
just to double check.



On 1/21/22, Tim<>   wrote:
Windows now working properly but not Linux. My board can be powered via
USB and I think it all got confused as I had been leaving the USB cable
connected, coupled with not flashing code but using JTAG download for
debugging, coupled with not repowering the board very often.

I can now telnet from Windows.

Linux remains an issue, but I'm looking at whether there are any RNDIS
driver updates for Ubuntu or something like that.

But, for once, I at least have *something* working :)

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