I programmed pascal on CP/M on z80 and late on 8086 Borland pascal, 1987
I hope to try to compile the .pas on our u-blox modules w106 and b302, that are 
esp32 and nrf52 core

Nice job

Enviado do meu iPhone

> Em 12 de mar. de 2022, à(s) 00:30, Gregory Nutt <> 
> escreveu:
>> Will Embedded Pascal open /dev/  files ?
> Yes.  The Pascal I/O run-time is a portability layer. Ffor Linux and NuttX
> it uses standard C library calls.  It does use C buffered  I/O  (fopen,
> fread, fwrite, etc.) which may not be ideal for some kinds of device I/O.
> An alternative I/O run-time based on non-buffered I/O (open, read, write,
> etc.) would probably be better and not difficult to do at all.
> That run-time code is here:
> I haven't considered hard-realtime with an interpreter.  t I think this
> effort is more in line with a hobbyist's interests.  Performance on a
> desktop, even under the simulator, is really very good and appears to be on
> par with native code; but I assume there could be performance issues when
> it runs on a lower performance platform.
> Calling it "interpreted" is misleading.  The source code is compiled,
> optimized, and linked into an ELF-like executable format.  So what is
> interpreted is machine language for a made up CPU.  I have other emulated
> machine architectures that are not in the repository currently (too much to
> maintain).  Translating the code to run natively on ARM or RISC-V is
> possible, just not as interesting to me.
> The history of Pascal is interesting.  Invented by Niklaus Wirth
> it became widely popular until
> destroyed by Brian Kernighan
> .
> Modern Pascal has resolved all of these issues, but it is no longer a
> language in wide use.  It was widely used not too long ago with Borland
> Turbo Pascal and Delphi.  There is a modest following for contemporary
> FreePascal/Lazarus.  Then there is GNU Pascal, but I haven’t heard any kind
> words for GNU Pascal.

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