
I am using Ethernet on an STM32F427 target, but I am facing some issues.

Initially the device works correctly. After some hours of continuous
operation I completely lose all network communications.
Trying to troubleshoot the issue, I enabled assertions and various other
debug features.

Again the device works correctly for some hours, and then I get a failed
assertion at stm32_eth.c, line 1372:

DEBUGASSERT(dev->d_len == 0 && dev->d_buf == NULL);

No other errors are reported (e.g. stack overflows etc).

I have observed that this issue usually manifests itself when there is
insufficient stack on a task.
But in my case, all tasks have oversized stacks. Typically they do not
exceed 50% utilization.
I have plenty of room available in the heap too (> 100kB).

Regarding the rest of the firmware, I cannot see any other misbehaviour or
I haven't ever seen any other unexplained problem, assertion fail,
hard-fault etc.
The application code passes all of our tests.
In fact, even when this issue happens, although I lose network
connectivity, the rest of the system works perfectly.

Please note that I have checked the contents of dev->d_len and dev->d_buf,
and they seem to contain valid data.
The address lies within the normal address space of the MCU, and the size
is sane.
So it doesn't look like any kind of memory corruption.

At this point I believe that this is an actual bug either on the STM32 MAC
driver, or at the TCP/IP stack itself.
I had a look at the driver code, but I didn't see anything suspicious.

Has anyone observed the same issue before?
Can it be affected in any way with my configuration?
Or maybe, do you have any recommendations on what to test next?

Thank you!

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