On Tue, Sep 6, 2022 at 6:35 PM Victor Benso <vbe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Besides all the SMP related issues that most likely I failed to figure out,
> I would really like to know what kind of address is this at the APP CPU
> 0x7278b09a
> Addr2line failed to decode that address. The most similar address that I
> could find is 0x4008b89a (this address is inside pm_dream).
> Anyways, the MAIN question is:
> Where does 0x7278b09a points to?

Do you have the linker map file available? That should make it
possible to find where this address is.

Actually, before that: Is this address within the range of possible
addresses? (As opposed to some random garbage that ended up in PC


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