> Isn't it possible to merge the nuttx and apps into only one
> <nuttx&gt;/
> |-rtos
> |-apps

We discussed this option a couple of years ago and decided against it.  I
was VERY strongly opposed to the idea then and I still am.

- apps is NOT part of NuttX.  It is an achitecturally unrelated, mish mash
or useful applications for NuttX, but it is not NuttX.
- I consists of mostly 3rd party code and should not contaminate the clean
modularity of the OS.

If we want to consider this kind of code change than I would insist on a
vote and I most certainly would vote -1.  I don't care about care about
hyphens or other cosmetics but I would not support any such corruption of
the modularity of the RTOS.

This must never happen.

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