Hi Everyone,

I noticed that ftpc example is not working correctly, at least here in my board.

So before opening an issue on github (case it is some issue with my
board config) I want to ask if someone tested the ftpc recently and if
it worked for you?

First thing I noticed is the "nfc" prompt is not displayed correctly,
so I replaced it with a printf("ftp>\n"); just to confirm that the
prompt was there.

These are the tests I did:

#ON NuttX side:

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-11.0.0

nsh> ftpc -4

NuttX FTP Client:
login ftpuser YourPassHere

get test.txt /mnt/esp/wifi/test.txt
get failed: 9

get test.txt /mnt/esp/wifi/test2.txt

put -b /mnt/esp/wifi/track.db files/test.bin
put failed: 9

put -b /mnt/esp/wifi/track.db files/test2.bin
(stopped forever)

# ON Linux side running vsFTPd with verbose log enabled:

Connection / Login *always* work:

Sat Jan  7 11:47:53 2023 [pid 97277] CONNECT: Client "::ffff:"
Sat Jan  7 11:47:53 2023 [pid 97277] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)"
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97277] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "USER ftpclient"
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97277] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "331 Please specify the password."
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97277] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "PASS <password>"

Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97276] [ftpclient] OK LOGIN: Client
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "230 Login successful."
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "PWD"
Sat Jan  7 11:48:00 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "257 "/" is the current directory"

First test.txt download failed silently:

Sat Jan  7 11:48:06 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "EPSV"
Sat Jan  7 11:48:06 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||58008|)"
Sat Jan  7 11:48:39 2023 [pid 96817] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "421 Timeout."

Second test.txt download worked:

Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "EPSV"
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||42641|)"
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "TYPE A"
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "200 Switching to ASCII mode."
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "RETR test.txt"
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
test.txt (20 bytes)."
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] OK DOWNLOAD: Client
"::ffff:", "/test.txt", 20 bytes, 3.00Kbyte/sec
Sat Jan  7 11:50:42 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "226 Transfer complete."

First test.bin upload failed silently:

Sat Jan  7 11:51:06 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "EPSV"
Sat Jan  7 11:51:06 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||54653|)"

Second test.bin upload failed by timeout:

Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "EPSV"
Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||47157|)"
Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "TYPE I"
Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "200 Switching to Binary mode."
Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP command: Client
"::ffff:", "STOR files/test2.bin"
Sat Jan  7 11:53:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "150 Ok to send data."
Sat Jan  7 11:58:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FAIL UPLOAD: Client
"::ffff:", "/files/test2.db", 0.00Kbyte/sec
Sat Jan  7 11:58:19 2023 [pid 97278] [ftpclient] FTP response: Client
"::ffff:", "421 Data timeout. Reconnect. Sorry."

If you want to test file transfer from/to NuttX/Linux I wrote down the
process here:




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