
there seems to be a possible build error hidden in configuration of external
RTC. If configure CONFIG_RTC and CONFIG_RTC_EXTERNAL to use external RTC the
build ends

with following error:

undefined reference to `up_rtc_initialize'

This is caused by lines




that declare and call function up_rtc_initialize which however I suppose is
not used since external RTC is to be configured. This happens since pull 
request #5232 (https://github.com/apache/nuttx/pull/5232) which removed && !
defined(CONFIG_RTC_EXTERNAL) from files mentioned above. The quick fix so 
far is to add the constrain of disabled CONFIG_RTC_EXTERNAL back as
suggested here (https://github.com/michallenc/incubator-nuttx/commit/bc04eb9

Some ideas or objections? I am not sure if there was not some other change
that would require different configuration of external RTC.

Best regards,

Michal Lenc

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