On 4/6/2023 9:09 AM, Petro Karashchenko wrote:
Also pthread_mutex is a solution for user space, but would be good to have something similar for kernel space. During adding nxmutex wrapper to the code many misuse issues were identified, so it is adding safety during coding and does not allow misuse. Of course a binary semaphore is a solid building block, but leaving it alone just increases the probability of errors in code. Otherwise POSIX would not add pthread_mutex and would extend semaphores. I mean that the need of it seems to be obvious since pthread_mutex are a part of POSIX side by side to semaphores and it would be good to have something like pthread_mutex for kernel.

That is not a very compelling argument.

All of the pthread interfaces exist only because they operate on pthreads and require pthread_t to identify the pthread.  The pthread IDs only exist within a "process."

semaphores have no inherent identification associated with them and have a global scope that can work across different "processes."

There are no "processes" in NuttX; we emulate them in the FLAT build with tasks.  A task is just a thread.

In NuttX, we use "heavy weight" threads:  A pthread is really the same as a task; it bound to the task group only via the shared group_s structure.  It is all smoke and mirrors to get POSIX compatibility.  Underneath, a pthread and a task is the same; a mutex and a semaphore is the same.  Trying to make distinctions internally when there are none cannot lead to good design decisions.

[Linux, uses light weight threads which are something very different]

Trying to force them to be different is very artificial.  It is similar to the artificial designation of some task as threads. But at least that was done to meet the functional interface specification.  Mutexes are, similarly, just semaphores.  Again the exist only to meet POSIX requirements for pthread interfaces to go with the fake pthreads.  There is absolutely no reason to make some implementation distinction between them other than to meet the letter of the POSIX requirement.

Building another fake internal infrastructure does not seem like something that is in our best interest.

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