On Fri, Jun 30, 2023 at 3:18 PM Alin Jerpelea wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Jun 2023, 16:13 Tomek CEDRO, wrote:
> > * Question: Shouldn't 12.2.0-RC0 contain 12.2.0-RC0 version string (it
> > is 12.2.0 in the console and 12.2 in the git branch usually RC also
> > have their own branch)?
> the rc release after aproval becomes the release without repackinf

Yes, but its not yet 12.2.0 release, so 12.2.0-RC0 is the only valid
name here :-)

> > * Note: Can we use name branches releases/12.2.0 (currently
> > releases/12.2) as "12.2.0" != "12.2" plus remark on RC above :-)
> the release/number is thw main branch from which the tags xx.xx.xx are
> generated. on a lomg term having multiple branches for each major and minor
> release will be hard to scale and navigate.

12.2 is not the same as 12.2.0 o_O

It is hard to navigate right now because I am looking for 12.2.0 and
its not there.. the same with 12.2.0-RC0 :-)

Please lets keep things coherent :-)

> * General Question: Is it possible to reverse ReleaseNotes   sorting
> > order so the latest release notes are on top (not bottom) of the file?
> > :-)
> >
> > * Note: ReleaseNotes should keep formatting of a release header
> > (NuttX-12.2.0\n-----------).
> after this release I am planing to propose moving the release notes to a
> separate folder and create a release note file for each release

Good idea thanks Alin! :-)

Best regards! :-)

CeDeROM, SQ7MHZ, http://www.tomek.cedro.info

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