On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 11:18:19AM +0200, Milan Obuch wrote:
> Hi,
> at the moment, I am able to build NuttX on FreeBSD for arm (Raspberry
> Pi Pico boards and similar, QuickFeather), xtensa (Espressif ESP32 and
> ESP32S2) and risc-v (Espressif ESP32C3 and ESP32C6, and PineCone -
> BL602 based), some of them with tests on real hardware.
> While in general the process is quite easy, there are some annoyances
> in the process. All builds follow the same recipe:
> 1. configure build for the board - standard
> tools/configure.sh <board:config>
> involved. Nothing special here.
> 2. do the build itself. As some paths are set differently in FreeBSD,
> typical invocation is (example for Raspberry Pi Pico):
> gmake CROSSDEV=/usr/local/gcc-arm-embedded-10.3-2021.10/bin/arm-none-eabi- 
> PICO_SDK_PATH=/wrk/pico/pico-sdk
> This does the build, just with one error message at the start reading
> /usr/local/bin/bash: line 1: arm-none-eabi-gcc: command not found
> and then the whole build process continues, ending with nuttx file
> being created. Error message mentioned seems to be just spurious, it
> would be nice to locate where it comes from and fix. Could someone help
> me with this, hopefully small, task?
> Additionally, for Raspberry Pi Pico, there is one more error message,
> this time somewhat serious:
> Generating: nuttx.uf2
> tools/rp2040/elf2uf2 nuttx nuttx.uf2;
> ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/gcc10/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.29 
> required by /wrk/usr/ports/devel/apache-nuttx/work/nuttx/tools/rp2040/elf2uf2 
> not found
> gmake: *** [tools/Unix.mk:541: nuttx] Error 1
> and, consequently, nuttx.uf2 file for uploading to the board is not
> prepared. This is not fatal for me, because I can execute command
> /wrk/pico/pico-examples/build/elf2uf2/elf2uf2 -v nuttx nuttx.bin.uf2
> manually and got it. Again, it would be nice to fix this. In my eyes,
> the preferable way for this would be just using already available
> elf2uf2 binary, either in path, or, maybe, with explicitly assigned via
> some ELF2UF2= assignment. The PICO_SDK_PATH=/wrk/pico/pico-sdk
> assignment used above is just for building this binary. I'd prefer to
> do it just once as part of working setup preparation and not for every
> build, which could be just done the way I mentioned.

I run into that problem as well.
It is very specific to the RP2040 build and Nuttx compiles some kind
of tool, but uses a disfunctional GCC version, because it doesn't use
the system compiler.
Unfortunately the broken compiler is a dependency of the xtensa compiler
So you either have the xtensa build tools or you compile for RP2040.

This is my local workaround:
diff --git a/contrib/nuttx/tools/rp2040/Makefile.host 
index 32717c11f7..aada7f9709 100644
--- a/contrib/nuttx/tools/rp2040/Makefile.host
+++ b/contrib/nuttx/tools/rp2040/Makefile.host
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ CFLAGS = -O2 -std=c++14
 CFLAGS += -I$(PICO_SDK_PATH)/src/common/boot_uf2/include
 elf2uf2: $(PICO_SDK_PATH)/tools/elf2uf2/main.cpp
-       @g++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
+       @c++ $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $<
        @rm -f *.o *.a *.dSYM *~ .*.swp

> 3. clean up after build, so I can repeat the process for another
> board/configuration combo:
> gmake distclean
> This does the job, spitting maybe a hundred lines of
> /usr/local/bin/bash: line 1: arm-none-eabi-gcc: command not found
> Note I am using sources from git as of yesterday. All these errors did
> not appear with 12.0.0 source tarball, but started with newer ones, I
> tested 12.1.0, 12.2.0 and git newer than that.
> The exact message differs depending on the build (and consequently
> toolset) used.
> At present, I do not know the whole build process that well to dig into
> it myself, thus some help, hints, patches to test, all is greatly
> appreciated.
> Regards,
> Milan

B.Walter <be...@bwct.de> https://www.bwct.de
Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.

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