I have concluded that CDC/ACM will NOT play alongside SYSLOG - most likely on the SAMA5D2 device, or possibly just on my board for some reason.

Whatever I choose as the SYSLOG output (/dev/ttyS0, ttyS1, ttyFC0 and ttyFC1 all of which are working fine, or even /dev/null) it just ends up garbling received data from the USB.

I have left CONFIG_CDCACM_NRDREQ=1, disabled SYSLOG and can move forward as this is only needed for the board test jig, so I don't need a TTL->USB converter cable to see output.

Can return to it if anyone has any ideas but, if not, will log both as issues for someone to pick up at some point in the future, maybe.

On 17/08/2023 16:06, Tim Hardisty wrote:

CDC/ACM console behaves like this if CONFIG_CDCACM_NRDREQS is left at the default 4. It needs a given keyboard key to be pressed 4 times to work, and/or garbles the text sent. I also found that usbserial example app misbehaves in the same way - I thought it was working since random characters were being pressed by me to test it...and received as garbled random characters and I didn't notice.

If set to 1 it works. I do not know why this is.

If this is a bug not some configuration error/mismatch I've not spotted then I will raise it as an issue.

But it doesn't play nicely with syslog...I'm investigating that now.

On 17/08/2023 10:20, Tim Hardisty wrote:

Hi Adam,

You are right - wasn't at my dev PC and was going from memory. The FUSB302 does of course only manage PD and CC pullup/pulldowns - I know I got confused at some point when I was doing the driver and had a resurgence of that confusion last night! D+/D- go straight to the processor so do rely on the peripheral's data pull-up/downs .

The changes I did to the underlying SAMA5 USB code were to allow RHPORT1 (i.e. usb port A) to be used as either host or device under FUSB driver or app control.

BUT...looking back on this I see I also messed with the pullup logic so that might well be related to the issue I see. As I may well not be ensuring a "proper" device detect and setup, electrically and/or driver wise.

I will check this and work on a PR if necessary. To do this I will essentially "roll back" to not using "my" FUSB302 support and just the native SAMA5D2 device setup via Kconfig. Then move to splitting console and syslog to different devices and only then roll back in the FUSB302 stuff.

Hopefully I'll get there!


On 16/08/2023 23:21, Adam Feuer wrote:

I may be misunderstanding what you are saying– but it may be that you are confusing USB C Power Delivery host or device functionality with USB 2.0 / USB 3.0 data host or device functionality.

See this StackExchange question and answer <https://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/554203/which-usb-spec-actually-defines-support-for-dual-role-device-type-c-or-usb-3-1>. Note that applies to USB 3.0, not USB 2.0. My understanding from reading the FUSB302 data sheet <https://www.onsemi.com/pdf/datasheet/fusb302b-d.pdf> is that it only implements USB C Power Delivery, and all USB 2.0/3.0 data transport connections must pass by the FUSB302 chip. See Figure 1 and the pinout in Figure 4, there are no D+/D- (USB 2.0) or TX1/TX2/RX1/RX2 connections to the FUSB302. So the FUSB302 cannot be the problem.

When you switch the FUSB302 to host or device, it's only the USB C Power Delivery mode that switches. The USB2.0 OTG host or device modes are handled 100% in the SAMA5D2 drivers and only handle the data transport, not the Power Delivery mode.

Ok, I'll give the CDC/ACM console thing a try and let you know.


On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 2:22 PM Tim Hardisty <t...@jti.uk.com> wrote:

    Just FUSB302. It uses the toggle mode to work out a device or
    host attach and the driver (yes, I authored/submitted that)
    handles the necessary reconfiguration of the pull ups/downs and
    then signals, via a poll, to the application layer (or, in my
    case, board-level driver code) what has occurred to allow host
    power switching. To make it all work,  I also added (and
    submitted/have had merged) changes to the SAMA5 usb code to allow
    a single physical port (A) to act as host or device switched in
    real time. It works! Essentially OTG/dual-role functionality on a
    processor that doesn't natively support it.

    Because CDC/ACM fundamentally works on my board, I think the
    FUSB302 stuff is not to blame. Knowing you had it working as a
    console is good to know, so its probably a mis-configuration
    somewhere, or a side-effect of the changes I made (but, yes, had
    submitted so are now part of NuttX so *could* raise as an issue:
    but I'd be the one to fix it lol).

    If you have a config that has console on CDC/ACM working to send
    me that would be a great reference but only if it's not too much
    trouble to (re)create.

    Once (if) I am sure it is not as simple as a config error I will
    raise is as an issue but, for now, I'm inclined to think it's
    down to me.

    If I get nowhere tomorrow morning, I'll email you my config: a
    second opinion would be much appreciated!

    On 16/08/2023 21:36, Adam Feuer wrote:
    Are you using an FUSB302 with an FUSB340 (USB Switch)? My
    understanding is that the FUSB302 only provides USB C power
    delivery along with a USB2.0/USB 3.0 connection. That chip
    doesn't do anything to allow host and device on the same port.
    As far as I know that's a function of the SAMA5D27 and the NuttX
    drivers. I actually don't know if the SAMA5D2 UDPHS and UHPHS
    can function simultaneously, or whether NuttX supports that. Did
    you get that working? Or is that the problem you are trying to

    So what's the problem with filing a bug? And didn't you add
    support for the FUSB302 into NuttX?

    Anyway... we can talk on email for now. Do you have one that
    doesn't work? I'd love it if you can send it to me.

    What I got working was CDC/ACM console and CDC/ECM ethernet over
    USB on the same USB connection. Is that relevant to what you're
    looking for? If so I can come up with a config that will do that.


    On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 12:47 PM Tim Hardisty <t...@jti.uk.com>

        Hi Adam,

        My board is pushing many boundaries as it allows usb host
        and device to coexist on a single physical port using an
        FUSB302 controller. It means it can never be as clear cut as
        it being a bug to report!

        If you happen to have a config that works for this it would
        be useful for sure, but I will plug away at it more tomorrow
        as the syslog port not behaving is probably a big clue.


        On 16/08/2023 20:13, Adam Feuer wrote:
        Hi Tim and Alan,

        I tested CDC/ACM when I was doing the CDC/ECM performance increases about         18 months ago. It seemed like everything worked fine on the Jupiter Nano,         the SAMA5D2-XULT. I can put together a config for this again and test it...         or send me yours, and I will adapt to Jupiter Nano. If we have a config
        that repros the problem, it should be possible to fix.

        Will you file a bug report so we can communicate there in public, and tag
        us or send the url by email?

        And then post your config there. I'll try it out and try to repro!


        On Wed, Aug 16, 2023 at 10:56 AM Alan C. Assis<acas...@gmail.com> <mailto:acas...@gmail.com>  wrote:

        Hi Tim,

        On 8/16/23, Tim Hardisty<t...@jti.uk.com.invalid> <mailto:t...@jti.uk.com.invalid>  wrote:
        I am trying to get CDC/ACM working on my custom board so I can have a         USB console. I have finally worked out the arcane set of CONFIG options         needed, found the to-be-expected bugs/inconstencies with some of the         SAMA5 code, that I have worked around for now (most are covered by         disabling debug assertions for now)...and...finally get an NSH prompt on
        a Minicom terminal.


        But data transmission TO the board from Minicom is behaving very
        If I want to send '?' - to see what built-in apps I have, I need to type         the '?' four times followed by 4 ENTERs, then I get the expected
        response. Eh?

        Tried Minicom on Windows/WSL or Ubuntu, and PuTTY. Minicom has been my
        console of choice, via serial, for ages.

        This seems very odd - it's 100% OK to the PC but 100% not OK from PC to

        In case it's related...SYSLOG to the original /dev/ttyS1 no longer         works, and playing with SYSLOG configuration, seems to interfere with         the CDC/ACM usb functionality as well by stopping it working if I dare
        to try to log to /dev/console!

        Anyone got any suggestions before I scream even louder!!!???

        I never saw this behavior before!

        Since you also tested on Windows, it is not something in the computer
        messing with /dev/ttyACM0.

        The first thing I noticed is that none board has usbnsh inside         boards/arm/sama5/xxxxx/configs/ so probably you are the first one to
        test this feature.

        So, start looking what the boards from other arch enable to get USB
        CDC/ACM working as console.
        And because there is no usbnsh board config for this chip, maybe it
        needs more investigation.

        I'm CC Adam, maybe he already tested it on Jupiter Nano board.




        Tim Hardisty

        A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically

        +44 (0) 1305 534535


        JTi.uk.com <https://www.jti.uk.com/>


        \JTinnovations <https://www.facebook.com/JTinnovations/>

        JT Innovations Ltd.

        Registered office: 36 East St, Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4DT, UK.

        Company number 7619086

        VAT Registration GB 111 7906 35

    --     Adam Feuer <a...@starcat.io>

    Tim Hardisty

    A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically

    +44 (0) 1305 534535


    JTi.uk.com <https://www.jti.uk.com/>


    \JTinnovations <https://www.facebook.com/JTinnovations/>

    JT Innovations Ltd.

    Registered office: 36 East St, Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4DT, UK.

    Company number 7619086

    VAT Registration GB 111 7906 35

Adam Feuer <a...@starcat.io>


Tim Hardisty

A picture containing text, clipart Description automatically generated

+44 (0) 1305 534535


JTi.uk.com <https://www.jti.uk.com/>


\JTinnovations <https://www.facebook.com/JTinnovations/>

JT Innovations Ltd.

Registered office: 36 East St, Weymouth, Dorset, DT3 4DT, UK.

Company number 7619086

VAT Registration GB 111 7906 35

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