On 9/9/2023 9:21 AM, Gustavo Soares wrote:
Maybe I don't have to transfer the file to the tmp folder. I think the folder 
the app is reading is not the app folder but the root, so it won't find the 
file. Is it possible to access the built-in apps folder on NuttX?  So I can 
make the app to read its folder.

I don't understand this.  There is no built-in apps folder??? This works just like it does in Linux:

A folder is a directory in a volume.  You must explicitly mount the volume using the mount() interface (or perhaps the NSH mount command).  Often mount() is called from board level logic on power up using a file system image in memory or on media like an SD card.  There are lots of examples in the board directory.

Only your logic knows where you mounted the volume.

Even the tmp/ directory will not exist unless you create and mount it yourself at tmp/.  It does not appear magically.

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