There should be something wrong on our config!

I tested here (using esp32-devkitc:psram) and it worked like a charm!

nsh> ?
help usage:  help [-v] [<cmd>]

    .           cp          exit        mkfatfs     rmdir       umount
    [           cmp         false       mkrd        set         unset
    ?           dirname     fdinfo      mount       sleep       uptime
    alias       dd          free        mv          source      usleep
    unalias     df          help        pidof       test        xd
    basename    dmesg       hexdump     printf      time
    break       echo        kill        ps          true
    cat         env         ls          pwd         truncate
    cd          exec        mkdir       rm          uname

Builtin Apps:
    mm     nsh    sh

nsh> free
                   total       used       free    largest  nused  nfree
  esp32-imem:      98304       4504      93800      93800      4      1
        Umem:    4415120       6912    4408208    4194288     48      4

nsh> mkrd 2048

nsh> free
                   total       used       free    largest  nused  nfree
  esp32-imem:      98304       4504      93800      93800      4      1
        Umem:    4415120    1055552    3359568    3145704     51      4

nsh> ls /dev

nsh> mkfatfs /dev/ram0

nsh> mount -t vfat /dev/ram0 /mnt

nsh> df
  Block    Number
  Size     Blocks       Used   Available Mounted on
  1024       1004          2        1002 /mnt
     0          0          0           0 /proc

nsh> dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/random.bin bs=1024 count=512

nsh> ls -l /mnt
 -rw-rw-rw-  524288 random.bin
nsh> uname -a
NuttX 12.3.0 ef1ad691c3-dirty Oct 26 2023 14:43:56 xtensa esp32-devkitc

Please let me know what was your mistake, it could help to improve NuttX.



On 10/26/23, Simona Toaca <> wrote:
> Yes, ESP32_PSRAM_8M is enabled.
> Regards,
> Simona
> În joi, 26 oct. 2023 la 16:55, Alan C. Assis <> a scris:
>> Hi Simona,
>> On 10/26/23, Simona Toaca <> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > I want to make sure that I understood this correctly, you're saying
>> > that
>> > the I2S audio saved to an SDCard (via SPI) on Lyra T is working ok?
>> >
>> I think that is true. Maybe Lucas can confirm if he was saving in the
>> SDCard.
>> > Also, I tried creating a ramdisk of 1mb+ for testing, but I did not
>> > find
>> a
>> > way do to so.
>> > For example,
>> > mkrd 1024 lends the error: mkrd: boardctl(BOARDIOC_MKRD) failed: 1
>> > but
>> > mkrd -s 1024 128 or mkrd 64 work fine
>> >
>> > The max I succeeded in allocating is 128kb.
>> >
>> Hmm, did you enable PSRAM to get more available RAM?
>> BR,
>> Alan

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