Hello Bowen,

Thank you for you help. I am not sure if this question is for you or is more architecture specific?

I am looking at implementing the the relay ops (set()/get()) functions within the drivers/power/relay/relay.c file. I can see how to implement this based on the drivers/power/relay/relay_gpio.c file. However I think that for control of a processor GPIO (rather than a GPIO controlled by an IO expander) I will need to use the gpiowrite & gpioread functions (rather than the IOEXP_WRITEPIN & IOEXP_READPIN functions used by the relay_gpio.c file). Do you think this is correct, or am I missing something?

If the relay.c file is modified to implement the relay ops (set()/get()) functions and uses the gpiowrite & gpioread functions then it becomes board/processor specific (e.g. will need the stm32l4_gpiowrite & stm32l4_gpioread functions for the nucleo-l432kc board I am working with). For my relay driver that doesn't matter (if I don't export it back to github as a patch), but to make the relay driver more generic does this mean the relay.c file should be within the arch/arm/src/<processor> directory?

Kind regards


On 17/01/2024 06:49, Stewart Charnell wrote:
Hello Bowen,

Thank you for responding to my question. Yes I think the relay framework will do what I want, I will try it out.

Kind regards

Stewart Charnell

On 17/01/2024 03:23, 汪博文 wrote:

I'm Bowen Wang and nice to answer your question. Please correct me If I understand wrong.

I think you want to use the relay framework in nuttx/drivers/power/relay/relay.c and relay_gpio.c, which are added by me in PR: power/relay: add relay driver framework for NuttX by CV-Bowen · Pull Request #7954 · apache/nuttx (github.com) <https://github.com/apache/nuttx/pull/7954>.

The realy framework has two part:

1. The first part is relay.c, relay.c did a very simple thing: convert user ioctl(RELAYIOC_SET/GET) to the relay driver implemented dev->ops->set()/get(),
and you can follow the following steps to implement a relay driver:
a. implement the relay ops (set()/get());
b. call relay_register() to register your relay driver (just like relay_gpio.c does);

2. The second part is relay_gpio.c, relay_gpio.c base on the *alreay implemented* gpio driver (ioexpander) to resigter a relay driver, so if you has implemented a ioexpander driver, you can enable config: CONFIG_RELAY_GPIO and then call relay_gpio_register() to register a driver, a simple example in sim is:

diff --git a/boards/sim/sim/sim/src/sim_ioexpander.c b/boards/sim/sim/sim/src/sim_ioexpander.c
index 599ac68743..9397967a24 100644
--- a/boards/sim/sim/sim/src/sim_ioexpander.c
+++ b/boards/sim/sim/sim/src/sim_ioexpander.c
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include <nuttx/ioexpander/gpio.h>
 #include <nuttx/ioexpander/ioe_dummy.h>
+#include <nuttx/power/relay.h>
 #include "sim.h"
@@ -76,6 +77,11 @@ int sim_gpio_initialize(void)
                   (void *)IOEXPANDER_VAL_DISABLE);
   gpio_lower_half(ioe, 1, GPIO_OUTPUT_PIN, 1);
+  int ret = relay_gpio_register(ioe, 1, false, "/dev/relay0");
+  if (ret < 0)
+    {
+      _err("relay register error\n");
+    }
   /* Pin 2: an non-inverted, edge interrupting pin */

And I'm sorry that I missed the docs and examples about the new added relay framework, I will add this later.

Kind regards
Bowen Wang

Bowen Wang, wangbow...@xiaomi.com

    *From:* Stewart Charnell <mailto:nu...@charnell.plus.com>
    *Date:* 2024-01-17 04:33
    *To:* dev@nuttx.apache.org
    *Subject:* [External Mail][Quarantine]GPIO drivers

    I have a processor board with GPIO ports which I would like to use to
    control such things as relays and PSU enable pins.
    Do I need to write a GPIO driver? There is an I/O expander driver. Is
    the I/O expander driver specific to expanders or can it be used
    for GPIO
    Kind regards
    Stewart Charnell

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