This is a direct connection between the two chips on a PCB.

Mark Stevens

> On 9 May 2024, at 17:38, Bill Rees <> wrote:
> I've seen this problem before which revolved around flow control; essentially 
> soft versus hard flow control (xmit off/ xmit on)
> Are you using a null modem cable? If not that may give you the accuracy 
> you're looking for, else hardware flow control is the only other possibility 
> if it is flow control.
> Bill
> On 5/9/2024 9:24 AM, Tomek CEDRO wrote:
>> On Thu, May 9, 2024 at 6:15 PM Mark Stevens
>> <> wrote:
>>> Yes, I am sure both side are configured correctly.
>>> If I run the kernel code only then all works as expected.
>>> If I run user space code alone all works as expected.
>>> The problems happen when I transition from kernel use of the UART to user 
>>> space use of the UART.
>>> I have also connected a logic analyser to the system and all looks good.
>>> Also, my current problem is NuttX reading data not sending it.  Sending may 
>>> also be a problem but I have not got that far at the moment.
>> Which UART do you use? What happens when you use different UART? Are
>> you sure it does not interfere with console?
>> --

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