On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 7:44 PM Gregory Nutt <spudan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/21/2024 3:55 AM, Xiang Xiao wrote:
> > but there is no stable ABI on NuttX, so you can't copy elf from one type
> of
> > device to another.
> Wouldn't that work if (1) the ELF module is partially linked so that it
> relies a symbol table and dynamic linking at run time so that there is
> no a priori knowledge of any address, and (2) the APIs of the ELF
> application are restricted to standard APIs that should be common in
> most releases?
> >

but, different devices expose to the different subsets of API. e.g. some
devices mayn't enable the net subsystem at all, any application which
calls socket api will fail to load.

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