I´m not sure how to create it, but I see that both
DemoProductCategoriesI18nData.xml and DemoProductI18nData.xml are
related to Content and SecurityData doesn´t.

SecurityData is seed data and I see that other seed data like
OrderTypeData.xml and OrderScheduledServices.xml are localized using

I succesfully localized these strings adding a "default-resource-name"
to SecurityDataModel.xml pointing to "SecurityEntityLabels" and
created two files SecurityEntityLabels.properties and

The problem with this aproach is that the seed security data must be
added to SecurityData.xml for each application and to
SecurityEntityLabels.properties in framework/security/config, and that
adds some kind of dependency from the framework to the application. Is
this correct?

   <entity entity-name="SecurityGroup"
CREATED THIS->            default-resource-name="SecurityEntityLabels"          
           title="Security Component - Security Group Entity">
     <field name="groupId" type="id-ne"></field>
     <field name="description" type="description"></field>
     <prim-key field="groupId"/>
   <entity entity-name="SecurityGroupPermission"
CREATED THIS->            default-resource-name="SecurityEntityLabels"
           title="Security Component - Security Group Permission Entity">
     <description>Defines a permission available to a security group;
there is no FK to SecurityPermission because we want to leave open the
possibility of ad-hoc permissions, especially for the Entity Data
Maintenance pages which have TONS of permissions</description>

2007/1/14, Jacques Le Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I guess you should have a look at DemoProductCategoriesI18nData.xml and relate 
productCategoryId to groupId



----- Original Message -----
From: "Guido Amarilla" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 9:33 AM
Subject: *SecurityData.xml entities i18n

> Is there a way to localize the descriptions for the entities in
> *SecurityData.xml such as these from OrderSecurityData.xml :
> ...........
>    <SecurityPermission description="Create sales forecasts in the
> Order Manager." permissionId="ORDERMGR_4C_CREATE"/>
>    <SecurityPermission description="Update sales forecasts in the
> Order Manager." permissionId="ORDERMGR_4C_UPDATE"/>
>    <SecurityGroup description="Admin group for restricted order
> processing." groupId="ORDERPROC"/>
>    <SecurityGroup description="Order Entry Admin group; permissions
> for creating orders." groupId="ORDERENTRY"/>
>    <SecurityGroup description="Order Admin group, has all order
> permissions." groupId="ORDERADMIN"/>
> ..........
> --
> Guido Amarilla
> --
> Guido Amarilla

Guido Amarilla

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