Yes there is a way to do this, look for * files in
config folders of different components. One use case for example is for
ProductMeterType, which in turn is used in FixedAssetMaint Forms defined in

Hope this helps.
Anil Patal

On 1/13/07, Guido Amarilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there a way to localize the descriptions for the entities in
*SecurityData.xml such as these from OrderSecurityData.xml :

    <SecurityPermission description="Create sales forecasts in the
Order Manager." permissionId="ORDERMGR_4C_CREATE"/>
    <SecurityPermission description="Update sales forecasts in the
Order Manager." permissionId="ORDERMGR_4C_UPDATE"/>

    <SecurityGroup description="Admin group for restricted order
processing." groupId="ORDERPROC"/>
    <SecurityGroup description="Order Entry Admin group; permissions
for creating orders." groupId="ORDERENTRY"/>
    <SecurityGroup description="Order Admin group, has all order
permissions." groupId="ORDERADMIN"/>

Guido Amarilla

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