
That's nice. I'm volunteering myself for recruitment in this effort. So there's not been any module in OFBiz that deals with phone calls or faxing?

For some programming examples with Asterisk, perhaps see ?


Chris Howe wrote:
I'm thinking the enhancement for the OFBiz side of
things is to simply add support so that upon clicking
a phone number link asterisk will call the user and
the intended contact much the same as Sugar does. This should be rather straight forward, though I don't
know exactly how to accomplish this at the moment.

From there you'd likely want to add a function in your
asterisk call plans to run a function that will send
call log information to OFBiz for processing.  Is
there anyone with much experience with Asterisk or

--- Chandresh Turakhia

Thumps up for idea. :)

Can work with ashish & anil if required. some mail
did point to work regarding customer_support. Wish it can be called
from MiniLang

Container for Trixbox .. anyone.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 13, 2007 6:10 AM
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Live CD with Ofbiz

I think bundling with Trixbox is a great idea as
well. I often wished
that the SugarCRM was replaced with Opentaps CRM
on the Trixbox

On 1/13/07, Alex D. Fleming
Hey Anil,

It's was really very good for me to see the ofbiz
Live CD.
Excellent peace of contribution that you have
provided in the community.
The processing speed is also excellent in Live
Long time back I have seen the Live CD of
Compiere ERP and I was thinking
about the same for ofbiz since last few days.

Thanks Anil for a nice contribution.  :-)
Our team of developer likes your efforts.

On 1/13/07, Anil Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We have remastered Ubuntu Live CD with Ofbiz
installed. If anybody is
interested its available at following link
Very soon we'll also share script automating
most of the process.
Comments for Improvement are welcome.

Anil Patel

Alex D. Fleming

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