This css should be tested in different languages. I found that there
are layout problems in some languages probably because English is a
language with very short words, compared to other languages, like
italian, french or spanish (I think german is the one with the longest
words). These last three languages are between the most completes in
languages properties files.
I use OFBiz in spanish, and probably will find this kind of issues in
my language. I am doing my best to find shorter words whith similar
meanings when that is a problem.


2007/1/18, Chris Howe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Just to toss one more potential "standard" for id and
class for OFBiz, every screen that is called from the
controller should have a unique id for the body tag.
This will make it easy to uniquely identify elements
for specific pages, as necessary.  I came across that
the other day somewhere and it seemed so simply
obvious that I was surprised I hadn't come across it

--- Adrian Crum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I got my CSS books yesterday and I stayed up all
> night reading them. *yawn*
> *blink blink*
> I ended up getting CSS Mastery by Andy Budd, and
> Transcending CSS by Andy
> Clarke. Both books received a lot of good reviews
> from readers and they turned
> out to be excellent choices. After reading them, I
> concluded that we were pretty
> much on the right track with the CSS coding
> guideline suggestions made so far.
> There were a couple of concepts introduced in the
> books that I would like to add
> to the list.
> Now that I feel adequately educated, I'm ready to
> help move the CSS effort
> along. For starters, I really, REALLY need a
> committer to look at Jira issue
> OFBIZ-605
> (
> and get it
> committed. Mailing list members who objected to the
> idea of a single stylesheet
> will have their "day in court" again in the future.
> I'd like to see another
> discussion of splitting the styles up once the
> consolidated style sheet is
> refined and complete.
> Chris Howe put the "drastically changed" maincss.css
> file into a new Jira issue
> (
> That Jira issue is being used
> as a type of sandbox to try out CSS ideas. Once the
> techniques in that issue are
> proven project-worthy, we can then go back to the
> existing code and make
> incremental changes to OFBiz to get those techniques
> implemented in the main
> project. To restate: OFBIZ-633 is experimental - it
> is NOT intended to be
> included in the project as-is.
> I noticed there has been some activity along these
> lines in Jira. Some of it is
> pretty old. The CSS effort as a whole seems to be
> floundering because of lack of
> direction or cohesion. There are plenty of
> contributors taking a stab at this,
> but some of the work is incomplete or incorrectly
> implemented. So, I'd like to
> volunteer as a coordinator. I can set up an umbrella
> Jira issue that links to
> the existing and future sub-tasks. I'd like to set
> up a web page of CSS coding
> guidelines (that we've all agreed on) so that the
> contributors are all working
> toward the same goal.
> Speaking of CSS coding guidelines, Transcending CSS
> recommends keeping layout
> details out of CSS class names and IDs. I like that
> idea. Class names/IDs like
> "TopLeftColumn" or "BottomRightTabbar" imply layout.
> Names/IDs should describe
> the content they style - not where they will be
> placed.
> So, if there are no objections, I'd like to start
> down this path:
> 1. Put a CSS coding guidelines RFC on the dev
> mailing list. Wait a few days for
> comments.
> 2. Put the agreed-upon guidelines on a web page
> (umbrella Jira issue or Wiki page).
> 3. Create the umbrella CSS effort Jira issue. Link
> to existing CSS issues as
> sub-tasks. Create new sub tasks.
> 4. Monitor progress, keep things moving in the right
> direction.
> 5. Coordinate with committers to get tested code
> back into the project.
> I'm committed to seeing this through until it is
> done.
> Let me know what you think.
> -Adrian

Guido Amarilla

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