
> The zipped pages browser setting doesn't address the fundamental issue I
> presented: OFBiz servers are pushing out a lot of unnecessary markup.

I'd guess there won't be too much unnecessary "whitespaces" (is this what you mean by unnecessary markup?). But I don't know. Someone could be crazy and code tons of unnecessary whitespaces into an FTL.

> It would be interesting to try out an OFBiz installation where
> Freemarker/Tomcat/whatever is set up to compress ALL markup, then see
> how much more responsive the web site is.

Not by much if server-side processing is hefty. Savings from reduced time of transfer (of web content) is amortized in that case.

But in general, if you can, use compression. Or actually, for maximum compatibility with all browsers, maybe we shouldn't (we never know).


Adrian Crum wrote:
As I mentioned in another email, I was just making an observation. It's food for thought.

The zipped pages browser setting doesn't address the fundamental issue I presented: OFBiz servers are pushing out a lot of unnecessary markup.

It would be interesting to try out an OFBiz installation where Freemarker/Tomcat/whatever is set up to compress ALL markup, then see how much more responsive the web site is.

David E. Jones wrote:

The best way I've seen to handle this sort of thing is to take advantage of the fact that pretty much all browsers support zipped pages. I haven't set this sort of thing up in a LONG time, but there are probably ways to do it with Tomcat, and definitely ways to do it with the Apache web server (httpd).


On Jan 18, 2007, at 1:40 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

Just for grins, I inserted <#compress> </#compress> FTL directives in the Party Manager FTL files to see how much smaller the markup would be. Results:

Before compress - 45k
After compress - 35k
33% less markup.

The drawback is, some of the layout seems to depend on some of the FTL whitespace, so the page's appearance changed a little.

Adrian Crum wrote:

After spending some time examining the unintentional formatting changes in my patch files, I discovered that my editor automatically strips off unnecessary white space at the end of every line. I can't find a way to shut it off, so I'll have to switch to another IDE. At first I was upset that my editor would do such a thing without my permission. Then I got to thinking that it makes a lot of sense. Less unnecessary white space equals less fluff the compiler has to trudge through and less fluff in HTML code. Hey! Wait a second... many of those files that were unintentionally formatted were FTL files. Does that mean that OFBiz servers are spewing out unnecessary fluff? I viewed the page source on a typical OFBiz web page and sure enough - OFBiz's markup has unnecessary white space at the end of the lines. Going through all of the FTL files and cleaning them up would be easy to do with a script or something, but the reduction in HTML output would be small. Where I see a huge amount of unnecessary markup is with indentation. Our four character indentation rule results in things like a simple </div> tag being preceded by twelve to sixteen space characters. Our servers are working very hard to output nicely indented markup.

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