On Jan 27, 2007, at 3:19 PM, Daniel Kunkel wrote:

I think you may be on to something great here, however I still wonder if
a branch and merge would work even better.

For the fun of it, I'll take an example David mentioned a while back, a clean room accounting system. This is a large project that is likely to
take a long time to develop, even in a collaborative environment, and
will probably require significant testing before being dumped into svn

Because it's likely to take a long time during development, a branch and merge might make more sense instead of merging and upgrading in the way Jonathan mentioned, since there are likely to be lots of conflicts that
will need to be resolved over time.

Why not build that, as with everything else in OFBiz, directly into the main code base? That's certainly how I would do it...

The main reason to use a branch is when you need to break existing functionality and leave it broken for an extended period of time. When adding new functionality even if it is incomplete it can, and most definitely should, go right into the trunk as the work is done.


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