Just one word :

Please "-*DON ' T*_ use absolute pathes in your diff/patches but relative to 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew Sykes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <dev@ofbiz.apache.org>
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: svn commit: r502824 

> Please please guys, just drop this, 
> I'm sure none of us who are having to delete all this nonsense really
> care.
> - Andrew
> On Thu, 2007-02-08 at 06:56 +0800, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> > Tim, Jacopo,
> > 
> > Well, since you put this in the open, I guess I might as well re-examine my 
> > previous posts.
> > 
> > In Jacopo's case, it all did start out with me appreciating his help. In 
> > one of my first posts, I 
> > made the mistake of recalling that it was Jacopo who corrected me on the 
> > "please use absolute path 
> > in your diff/patches". Jacques informed us it was actually him. 
> > Incidentally, you'll note that I 
> > always use myself and my own mistakes to illustrate "how things should be 
> > done". That particular 
> > post was in a thread where David was suggesting a pre-commit review or 
> > lamenting the lack thereof.
> > 
> > Anyway, you'll see the same styles everywhere. Any to-the-point criticisms 
> > are first directed at 
> > myself, sometimes even almost deviating from the truth in cases where I 
> > wasn't quite able to find 
> > an example that qualifies myself as a target for said criticisms. At times, 
> > I may even have 
> > stretched the truth about myself in order to "smooth things out", and 
> > could've been accused of 
> > hypocrisy. For eg, I do have the tendency to admit to wrongdoing to some 
> > extent in order to "let 
> > the dust settle". I wouldn't state the exact audience that witnessed this 
> > style (and the responses 
> > to it) on this ML, but I can tell you that you can consider my tact 
> > universally acknowledged (and 
> > in some cases even disapproved of, because the tact gave way to ill reason 
> > and bordered on letting 
> > dishonesty take the final note.) Yes, my boss or bosses (future/potential 
> > ones) are in that 
> > audience. Part of that audience also includes Singaporean companies 
> > deciding whether they want to 
> > go with OFBiz.
> > 
> > (And for the record, to be clearly honest for a change, things are not 
> > looking good at all. Yes, 
> > they're watching every message I type, so you should know I'm your biggest 
> > proponent here. Stuck 
> > in a difficult in-between place.)
> > 
> > Back to Jacopo's case. One of the first "good rubs" with Jacopo was with 
> > the Product Variant BOMs 
> > help from Jacopo. In fact, about the biggest reason my current boss is 
> > still with OFBiz is because 
> > of his work in Manufacturing module. As I mentioned in a post to David, 
> > we're watching Jacopo; I 
> > recommended him to cover for me in tech support once my project is done. 
> > After all, my boss is in 
> > manufacturing and Jacopo has done a lot there. Despite his recent display 
> > (we're still comparing 
> > with his past posts way back for a more holistic assessment), I still think 
> > he's the right candidate.
> > 
> > I'm not going to ask the ML (or anybody, for that matter) to admonish him 
> > for his behavior. He's 
> > done a lot for OFBiz, and I'd honestly say he should take his Manufacturing 
> > module away with him 
> > if we're to ask him to go away. I don't want him to go away. I don't want 
> > to be put in that 
> > difficult position, so that's why I wouldn't want David in that position 
> > either. Well there I go 
> > again, that same style. :) If Jacopo goes, OFBiz will not hold enough value 
> > for me and my bosses.
> > 
> > As for really rubbing some people the wrong way, I guess it has a lot to do 
> > with the fact that 
> > I've weaned myself (and my bosses and future bosses) from dependence on ML 
> > tech support (yes, it 
> > was officially deemed a non-support channel some weeks back). And possibly 
> > even more because I 
> > unwittingly "damaged" the business model for some people here. I honestly 
> > didn't know at first the 
> > technical references for OFBiz are only sold commercially. Upon realizing 
> > it, I had then consulted 
> > David privately to ask if there's anything I can do (eg NOT publish my 
> > altruistic 
> > yet-to-be-written Engineer's Manual) if it meant righting an imbalance in 
> > "give-and-take" 
> > situation between OFBiz and users. David said it's Undersun that's 
> > profiting from those 
> > commercially sold tech references, not OFBiz.
> > 
> > (I hope the dev list doesn't have paid customers, because some did complain 
> > about the tech 
> > references sold. I have never seen those references, and can't comment. 
> > Would've wanted this post 
> > to be private, but maybe I should really be perfectly honest for a change. 
> > Bosses would fry me if 
> > they bought those references owing to my comments or the lack thereof, so I 
> > have to say I'm 
> > neither arguing against nor for those references.)
> > 
> > Please understand that I had no option to avoid taking apart OFBiz and 
> > weaning my bosses from 
> > reliance on a "difficult channel" for tech support. It was about the only 
> > way I could keep them 
> > from chucking OFBiz in the trash. And maybe I should be honest (but I 
> > thought I'd mentioned this 
> > several times) about my occupation; I'm a LEGAL reverse-engineer by trade 
> > (not just Java 
> > compiled/source codes). If there's an implicit ban againt reverse-engineers 
> > in ML, please let me 
> > know and I'll gladly oblige. This isn't my grandfather's ML. (There, same 
> > style again.)
> > 
> > I will certainly take your suggestions seriously, and heed your call for us 
> > to "come 
> > [cooperate/play] together". However, I do hope the ML can appreciate that 
> > I'm caught in a 
> > difficult in-between position, and my comments on the ML cannot deviate too 
> > far from "honest 
> > business sense". I'd have thought my arguments for OFBiz are all the more 
> > potent precisely because 
> > of my stark objectivity. And that appears to be the case (for now), since 
> > my bosses haven't turned 
> > away from OFBiz yet.
> > 
> > I hope that this thread being on the dev list will mean it will stop here. 
> > I wouldn't want another 
> > "baggin on OFBiz" session (you know my stakes in OFBiz). If it does spark a 
> > rowdy discussion, I'll 
> > be the first to call for a stop to that.
> > 
> > One important note about the ML. I have noticed it's probably hard for some 
> > people to scan through 
> > surrounding contexts (posts related to a post) when responding to a post. 
> > Perhaps that's where the 
> > problem is?
> > 
> > I hope we understand each other more from this.
> > 
> > Jonathon
> > 
> > Tim Ruppert wrote:
> > > Jonathon as an innocent bystander, all I can say is that with every word 
> > > you type you are rubbing people the wrong way.  Please just take a 
> > > moment to read thru your posts before hitting send - and think about the 
> > > fact that there are tons of people here from different backgrounds who 
> > > are pushing towards the same goal.
> > > 
> > > I realize that your intentions are good and that you're working towards 
> > > that same goal, but understand that if you're rubbing everyone the wrong 
> > > way - it might not be them, but how you're choosing to phrase your 
> > > questions, comments and concerns.
> > > 
> > > All I ask is that you think about what you're saying and where you 
> > > really want things to go and phrase things accordingly.  I'm not saying 
> > > that all responses to your digging have been phrased smoothly - but you 
> > > can only control yourself - so let's all give it a try.
> > > 
> > > This is not totally relevant, but I believe I wrote this up sometime 
> > > around the last episode people rubbing others the wrong way on the dev 
> > > list 
> > > - 
> > > http://www.nabble.com/Why's-everybody-baggin'-on-OFBiz-lately-t3081858.html
> > > 
> > > Anyways, I hope you read this for what it is - a request to come 
> > > together - and you take my suggestions seriously.  Thanks for posting 
> > > Jonathon and we look forward to more helpful things out of your in the 
> > > future.
> > > 
> > > Cheers,
> > > Tim
> > > --
> > > Tim Ruppert
> > > HotWax Media
> > > http://www.hotwaxmedia.com
> > > 
> > > o:801.649.6594
> > > f:801.649.6595
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Feb 7, 2007, at 3:27 AM, Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> > > 
> > >> Jacopo,
> > >>
> > >> No, I'm not trolling. Are you?
> > >>
> > >> If you meant the last concise post to you, it's because I know you're 
> > >> really really busy. Just a sincere effort to cut down on "extras" in 
> > >> my writing to you.
> > >>
> > >> If you meant my comment on David's and Si Chen's discussion, like I 
> > >> said, you better re-read for yourself. I'd rather not repeat something 
> > >> so often it seems like I'm rubbing a fact in or something.
> > >>
> > >> If you're still miffed for some reason, I'll say sorry again. But I 
> > >> think we both better watch out, and stop this somewhere sometime soon. 
> > >> Or both of us will be accused of messing up!
> > >>
> > >> As I said, all posts are cached or read or otherwise recorded or 
> > >> witnessed by others. We should both take a step back and re-read past 
> > >> posts in order to avoid further misunderstanding.
> > >>
> > >> My actions are plain for all to see, and so are yours. We should both 
> > >> behave ourselves. Agree? :)
> > >>
> > >> Jonathon
> > >>
> > >> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
> > >>> Jonathon,
> > >>> are you trolling?
> > >>> Jacopo
> > >>> Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> > >>>> Er, Jacopo. Maybe I moved your cheese some time, I don't know. If 
> > >>>> so, sorry!
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Since you like conciseness, please re-read this thread between David 
> > >>>> and Si Chen.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> As for incorrect information, re-read my previous posts.
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Jonathon
> > >>>>
> > >>>> Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
> > >>>>> Jonathon -- Improov wrote:
> > >>>>>> Si Chen,
> > >>>>>>
> > >>>>>> I wasn't "saying" anything.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> I think that this is the problem with many of your (and with those 
> > >>>>> of some new guys that recently are around in these lists) posts, 
> > >>>>> Jonathon: you say nothing with too many words, and this is 
> > >>>>> confusing, especially for new users and, in the dev list, it is 
> > >>>>> annoying because it's difficult to concentrate and discuss on the 
> > >>>>> development of OFBiz.
> > >>>>> There is no need to comment every post and in general silence is 
> > >>>>> better than incorrect or partially correct information.
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>> Jacopo
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>
> > >>>>>
> > >>
> > > 
> > 
> -- 
> Kind Regards
> Andrew Sykes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sykes Development Ltd
> http://www.sykesdevelopment.com

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