Open source vendors form Open Solutions Alliance
14th February 2007
By Matthew Aslett
A number of open source application vendors are to announce the launch of the 
Open Solutions Alliance, a new non-profit group designed to drive the adoption 
of open source software.
The OSA is being launched at the Open Solutions Summit in New York by the likes 
of Adaptive Planning, Centric CRM, CollabNet, EnterpriseDB, Hyperic, 
JasperSoft, Openbravo,, SpikeSource, and Talend.

Thought I might be interesting. Planning to use EnterpriseDB as second-backup 
database for Ofbiz stuff. Hyperic is another worth considering alliance. :)

I am not sure if any is Apache 2.0 license. :(


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Baga Raj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 1:41 AM
Subject: Sales tax GST for additional shipping charges


   I had one problem in creating salestax GST calculation.

  If we add additional shipping charge (manually) its creating a new record in 
order adjustment.I need to calculate sales tax for that additional amount and i 
need to add in ORDERADJUSTMENT table.
  when service addorderadjustment is committed i need to add two records.One 
for addition shipping charge and other for sales tax GST.I tried by calling 
another method in secas .I need the syntax for calculate and set values in 
simple methods.

I want to know whether we can use "recalculateordertax" method in 
orderservice.xml for this solution.
I want to know whether we can go by mini lang.


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