This is now implemented in rev. 511250


David E. Jones wrote:

I'm personally a very big fan of composite "natural" primary keys, and think they should always be the default.

Still, sometimes they just don't work or apply because in the end there is no natural composite key, and these sorts of "rule" types entities with possibly many varying factors often have this problem.

So, yeah, I'm fine with the change. It means everyone updating will have to re-create the primary key, and between dropping the old one and creating a new one they'll have to fill in the new sequenced ID.

BTW, an easy way to do this for everyone reading in: just export the data to an XML file, drop the table, have OFBiz re-create it, and then import the data (without changing it...). The entity engine will automatically sequence the data for the new field with the entity name as the sequence name. It always does this if there is a single pk field and there is not value for it in the entity engine XML file.

Just another trick of the trade I guess. It's also the type that's documented, but the application of it is not always obvious. This is why I like the training video idea so much, or even throwing the audio from it onto an ipod or something, so that you can spend some time every week reviewing things. Anyway, I guess that's a side thought, and a bit off topic.

Whatever the case, yeah, go for it. The upgrade path is fairly straight and not too foggy.


On Feb 13, 2007, at 1:50 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

What about changing the primary key of the ProductStoreShipmentMeth from:



productStoreShipMethId (new field)

I did it some time ago for a customer with the need to express rather complex shipping rules where:

1) the order amount was used to determine the shipping cost estimate
2) the postal address and weight were used to select the available shipping options

For #1 the existing shipping estimate and quantity breaks entities were perfect. For #2 I had to change the primary key for the ProductStoreShipmentMeth entity because I had to associate the same "shipment method|carrier" to the store many times for different combinations of geo and weight.

For example:
* USPS is available in NY if weight is less than 30kg
* UPS is available in NY if weight is more than 30kg
* UPS is the only available method in LA

If you agree with the above change, I will commit a patch that it will address all the business logic changes (and ui changes) needed to support the different pk (that are really very few); and the modified system is much more flexible and is woking fine.

What do you think?


Index: applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel.xml
--- applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel.xml    (revisione 505884)
+++ applications/product/entitydef/entitymodel.xml    (copia locale)
@@ -3520,6 +3520,7 @@
     <entity entity-name="ProductStoreShipmentMeth"
             title="Product Store Carrier Shipment Method Entity">
+      <field name="productStoreShipMethId" type="id-ne"></field>
       <field name="productStoreId" type="id-ne"></field>
       <field name="shipmentMethodTypeId" type="id-ne"></field>
       <field name="partyId" type="id-ne"></field>
@@ -3543,10 +3544,7 @@
       <field name="serviceName" type="long-varchar"></field>
       <field name="configProps" type="long-varchar"></field>
       <field name="sequenceNumber" type="numeric"></field>
-      <prim-key field="productStoreId"/>
-      <prim-key field="shipmentMethodTypeId"/>
-      <prim-key field="partyId"/>
-      <prim-key field="roleTypeId"/>
+      <prim-key field="productStoreShipMethId"/>
       <relation type="one-nofk" rel-entity-name="Party">
         <key-map field-name="companyPartyId" rel-field-name="partyId"/>
@@ -3562,6 +3560,7 @@
title="Product Store Carrier And Shipment Method Type View Entity"> <member-entity entity-alias="PSSM" entity-name="ProductStoreShipmentMeth"/> <member-entity entity-alias="SM" entity-name="ShipmentMethodType"/>
+      <alias entity-alias="PSSM" name="productStoreShipMethId"/>
       <alias entity-alias="PSSM" name="productStoreId"/>
       <alias entity-alias="PSSM" name="shipmentMethodTypeId"/>
       <alias entity-alias="PSSM" name="partyId"/>

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