
before we go too far with the implementation effort I think that we should refine the
But again, I don't see this as a major improvement because:

1) it is a bit subjective to say if it easier for users to have many attributes in the form element or less attributes in a more complex structure 2) the <styling/> tag will just wrap all the form 'header' styles, while all the field level ones will continue to be scattered around at the field level 3) as soon as all the default styles will be removed from form definitions (after the widget/css refactoring process is complete), using these attribute will be pretty rare

Again, I still don't have a strong opinion on this (there are pros and cons, and by the way, the structure you have proposed could be improved) but maybe discussing all these now is a bit premature and it is not worth of the effort.


Chris Howe wrote:
I believe I've taken care of both of your concerns.

bit of work:
FormArrangement.patch in OFBIZ-760 takes care of about 90% of the
coding effort necessary in all OFBiz forms by moving the styling
attributes to their own line in each form definition and then the
pagination attributes to a line below that so that they can readily be
separated into their own element groupings.

backwards compatibility:
FormWidget.patch in OFBIZ-762 removes the pagination and styling
attributes from the widget-form.xsd and moves them to a child element
(<styling> and <paginate>) and will thusly throw errors if those
attributes continue to exist in the <form> element in the definition. However, the changes will allow either to exist and
should still render the form as currently defined in svn.

All that is needed to complete this is 1. a consensus (vote?) that this is a good change 2. adding the appropriate tag at the beginning of the separated lines. (relatively quick work because they all styling lines begin with " default-title-style=" and pagination lines begin with
"        paginate" )
3. adding a log message to when one of those attributes
is used in the <form> element

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