Just so it's clear to everyone: the use of the form widget has been banned for the ecommerce webapp since the day the form widget was conceived.

It looks like this was recently violated with the forms in the BlogForms.xml file.

I'm posting this to the mailing list just to make it clear that this isn't okay because it makes it difficult to get the exact web design desired in customer/public facing webapp. So, I'm asking committers to watch out for this and not commit any code that used the Form Widget in the ecommerce webapp.

As for this code, hopefully someone will replace it soon with FTL files. Chances are as soon as these are used on a major blog site this will have to happen anyway. Just an FYI: at Hotwax me might actually have a client need for this soon, so hopefully if no one beats us to it we'll get it taken care of in the next couple of months.


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