Unfortunately I'm not in the condition to participate to the conference, however since you ask for brainstorming here is my list:

1) implement printing/document distribution features (bulk printing, print queues, print status management etc...)
2) set up the framework and PoC for datewarehouse features
3) refactor/improve the way an order can be edited after it is stored: more control on reservations, payment transactions, editing of quantities, adjustments etc...

For #1 and #2, see my notes here: http://docs.ofbiz.org/x/2QI

If there is some interest on some of these I will do my best to remotely participate to the effort.


David E. Jones wrote:

NOTE: This thread is mean to cover topics/objectives for the conference only. For information about registration please contact me directly.

The Developers Conference starts one week from today, so I guess it's about time to start getting a final list of objectives put together.

A number of different things have been discussed and I have a bunch of emails saved from these, but rather than sending out my list so far I'd like to start out first with a "brainstorming thread".

So, please respond to this with whatever you think would be good to work on during the developers conference.

Even if you aren't planning on or able to participate we want your feedback. Of course, as is always the case with a community driven project like OFBiz this is a meritocracy so those actually working on things (on-site or remotely) are the ones who will be deciding on what to work on. As I write that I actually feel silly, because how else could it be?


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