I agree that the example are very important; in fact I was thinking to move them in a separate enitityengine-other-databases.xml file and maintain it in the same folder in svn (framework/entity/conf).


David E. Jones wrote:

The examples in the entityengine.xml file are pretty important for people setting up with different databases. If they aren't in that file they need to be somewhere, like docs.ofbiz.org, and references clearly in a comment in the entityengine.xml file. There are subtle settings for each database that are important and are maintained there, but could be maintained in the dev space on docs.ofbiz.org just fine too.


On Mar 28, 2007, at 1:25 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Also, what do you think about cleaning up the entityengine.xml file from all the examples of configurations for the different db (and just leave the ones used by default)? We could create a different file/readme in the same folder with all the other ones.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hi all,
I think we could slim down (-6M) the size of the OFBiz trunk (and upcoming distribution) by removing the following unneeded (?) jars, or at least a part of them, from the framework/entity/lib/jdbc folder:
p6spy.jar (and also the spy.properties file)
We should just leave the derby.jar file (and add to it the version suffix).
I'm running OFBiz without them with no problems.
What do you think?

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