Thanks for your help finding and clarifying that calculate/calcop issue.

That xsd file from OFBIZ-571 is now in place.

BTW, could I ask a favor that you avoid using the tinyurl stuff? The main reason is that with a tinyurl in order to get an idea about what the link goes to, you actually have to click on it and switch to your browser to see rather than just guessing or knowing based on the URL.

Thanks again,

On Mar 30, 2007, at 7:09 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:


There has been a confusion in the calculate's field-name attribute
modification in rev. 514617. This correction was intended to correct
calcop operation's field-name attribute wich was finally correctly
corrected in rev. 523001

Here are the respective comments for 514617 and 523001.

"Changed to represent the fact that calcop -> field-name is optional;
reported by Chris Howe"
"Changed the calcop element's field-name attribute to NOT be required;
this must be another casualty of recent cleanups or something"

So now a part of the 514617 change should be reverted in respect of rev.
490457 (ie : field-name is required for calculate operation but the
annotation change is to be kept, I hope to be clear at this stage).

I saw somewhere (from St Louis video or on Contegix site) that using
Fisheye to monitor a svn repository is a good thing to do.
I also saw on infra ML the link in the
thread "Re: Fisheye for Apache Geronimo?"
So my question : may the PMC asks to have OFBiz repository under
supervision of Fisheye ?
BTW if needed, I have asked some time ago for a free Fisheye licence and Cenqua guys gave me one. I never found the time to investigate more. But If there are infra ressources available we might take advantage of them.

I also profit from it for asking if you think it's would not be a good
thing to commit my last patch (simple-methods.xsd.patch (73 kb)) in ?
I will then be happy to finish the work about the XSL transform and
afterward to update This page could then be
moved to wiki's "official" part.
I also considered to change the file name to mini-language.xsd as it
contains also map-processor tags. But I'm not sure of other implications
than changing references in code and in wiki page above ?

I would like to do the same type of work for the widgets, what do you
think ?


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