I'm currently creating a basic eclipse plugin prototype of an ofbiz-ide.
The plugin will need to manipulate ofbiz metadata (definitions of
components/entity/service/etc).  The options:

1) ignore existing ofbiz code base and create separate plugin logic for
reading/writing metadata

2) extract the ofbiz code (Start.init(), etc) to read/write the metadata
without requiring ofbiz to be running so that the plugin can manipulate
the metadata directly using the same code that ofbiz uses for reading
the metadata on startup.  

3) add an API to ofbiz for manipulating the metadata that the plugin
would use while ofbiz is running, e.g.

   ComponentDef myComponent = 
      OfbizComponent.createComponentDef(String componentName ...);
   EntityDef myEntity = myComponent.createEntityDef( ... );

option (1) will be the quickest to start with, but will result in a lot
of duplicate code if metadata such as autorelations are to be displayed
in the ide.

Any comments appreciated.  Thanks in advance ...


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