I like widgets for their conciseness. Coupled with ftl, I can even do ajax with widgets. Is there something I'm missing, like some new-age UI concept?

While I don't mind widgets becoming more flexible (assuming they're backward-compatible), even to rival ftl, I don't see myself using them in more fancy ways than how I'm using them now. They let me put fields neatly in aligned grids.

I wouldn't pit widgets against ftl. I'd leave them to specialize in their own 
ends of the spectrum.


David E. Jones wrote:

On Apr 9, 2007, at 6:12 PM, Adrian Crum wrote:

The goal for all ofbiz tools is to do 90% of what you need efficiently and generically and quickly, not 100% of what you need pooy. The form wigdet is not and never will be html or fill the same need.

The funny thing about the widgets is, they make complex tasks simple, and at the same time they make simple tasks complex. In my opinion, the widgets get a C in doing 90% of what I need efficiently.

So, what sort of thing are you looking for to meet your particular needs?


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