By the way I've finally tracked down digging in the commit logs (from sourceforge!) from where the MinML2.jar file came.
It was in the Datavision distribution.

I'm adding this runtime dependency to the page:

and I will upgrade soon iText to the latest version.

Is it ok?


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

testing the following link is the same?

I'm having some problems (caused by my lack of knowledge on the content component) setting up what you have described.


David E. Jones wrote:

I'm pretty sure iText (or something) depended on MinML2 even though I don't believe anything in OFBiz uses it directly.

To test it the easiest thing is probably to create a CompDoc Template with 2 PDF place holders, then create an instance of that CompDoc and upload 2 PDFs, then have it generate the combined PDF. That will use iText to create the combined output file.


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