Hi Anthony,

I recommend jbpm. Please do think about it.

Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

在 2007-05-18五的 11:05 +0100,Anthony Enrione写道:
> Hi All,
> When we have integrated it, i will write up a document with some 
> examples so that you can take a look at what it offers. We have 
> refactored the OSWorkflow component quite a bit as well to make it 
> simpler to use.
> Anthony.
> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> > Thanks for feedback David,
> >
> > Yes only future will tell, past did already. I pretty sure you are right
> > : experience tells.
> >
> > Actually, I'm not specially a workflow big fan, and ECA have proven
> > their usefulness. Nevertheless, I wonder what would appear from
> > OSWorkflow in OFBiz in
> > some areas.
> >
> > In general, I don't like to close doors (or not open them rather) before
> > being sure there are nothing interesting behing them, live is so short !
> >
> > My father always told me : "L'experience d'autrui ne profite jamais", he
> > was right !
> >
> > A bit digressive sorry :o)
> >
> > Jacques
> >
> > ----- Message d'origine ----- >
> >   
> >> For anyone looking into this it might be helpful to keep in mind that
> >>     
> > OSWorkflow is VERY different from the ECA rules in OFBiz and is also
> > very different (rather less different though) from a WfMC style workflow
> > engine which includes both Shark and the old OFBiz Workflow Engine.
> >   
> >> For anyone wondering how this affects things in the future in OFBiz,
> >>     
> > it will depend totally on where people find it to be helpful. For many
> > things, even very custom things, that we've done we have found that a
> > workflow engine just doesn't end up helping a whole lot when you are
> > doing custom application that require special management of automated
> > and manual work. You end up having to create custom screens and map
> > everything in the workflow to other entities in the data model anyway,
> > and it's usually less code and work initially and over time, and WAY
> > more flexible, to just do that with the other tools in OFBiz rather than
> > having a centralized work management piece. There are of course
> > exceptions to this, but in general the changes that are often needed
> > over time don't always match up well with the changes that a tool like
> > this will facilitate. In short, having tried many of these tools for
> > similar problems I haven't seen a huge win with a workflow engine yet.
> >   
> >> -David
> >>
> >>
> >> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> >>     
> >>> Anthony,
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for this. Having an usable alternative to ECA sounds good to
> >>>       
> > me.
> >   
> >>> Nice to know, by the way, that the Jira team uses OSWorkflow in
> >>>       
> > their
> >   
> >>> work. Does someone know more about that ?
> >>>
> >>> I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward for your work !
> >>>
> >>> Jacques
> >>>
> >>> De : "Anthony Enrione" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>       
> >>>> Hi Jacques,
> >>>>
> >>>> Yes i would like to get it into Ofbiz. I will keep you all posted
> >>>>         
> > on
> >   
> >>> my
> >>>       
> >>>> progress. When we have completed the integration i will produce a
> >>>>         
> >>> patch
> >>>       
> >>>> file. It's a nice workflow engine because it's small a compact and
> >>>>         
> > i
> >   
> >>>> think that it would be a good fit for Ofbiz.
> >>>>
> >>>> Anthony.
> >>>>
> >>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> >>>>         
> >>>>> Anthony,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Do you think about integrating OSWorkflow in OFBiz ?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Jacques
> >>>>>
> >>>>> De : "Anthony Enrione" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> Jacques,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thanks for the reply.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> We had a look at using the eventing mechanisms in Ofbiz but found
> >>>>>>             
> >>> it
> >>>       
> >>>>>> hard to create complex workflows, especially workflows that need
> >>>>>>             
> > to
> >   
> >>>>> make
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> decisions or persist state. We had a look at Shark and found it a
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>             
> >>>>> little
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> on the heavy side.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Just to let you know...
> >>>>>> After having evaluated a number of workflow engines, we have
> >>>>>>             
> >>> decided
> >>>       
> >>>>> to
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> go with OSWorkflow. It is small. The main workflow is done in a
> >>>>>>             
> >>> single
> >>>       
> >>>>>> Java class and it has a simple persistance interface. We found it
> >>>>>> already has support for Ofbiz entities (perhaps this was added by
> >>>>>>             
> >>> the
> >>>       
> >>>>>> Jira developers as they use both OSWorkflow and the Ofbiz Entity
> >>>>>> Engine?). I have been busy integrating OSWorkflow and adding
> >>>>>>             
> >>> support
> >>>       
> >>>>> for
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> invoking Ofbiz Services. OSWorkflow makes use of Quartz to do the
> >>>>>> scheduling but it was very easy to replace this with the Ofbiz
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>             
> >>>>> scheduler.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>> Anthony.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>             
> >>>>>>> Anthony,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Quick answer.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> The OFBIz workflow engine is normally deprecated by the Shark
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>> workflow
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>> engine (which was originally built on the top of th OFBiz
> >>>>>>>               
> > workflow
> >   
> >>>>>>> engine).
> >>>>>>> However I guess that there are not a lot of persons using a
> >>>>>>>               
> >>> workflow
> >>>       
> >>>>>>> engine in OFBiz.
> >>>>>>> In a typical use of OFBiz (eCommerce for instance) most of the
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>> workflow
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>> job is currently done thru ECA mechanims (SECA for Services,
> >>>>>>>               
> > EECA
> >   
> >>>>> for
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>> Entities, MECA for mailing).
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> This is not to discourage you to use the existing workflow
> >>>>>>>               
> > engines
> >   
> >>>>> in
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>> OFBiz but to let you know that you will not find much support
> >>>>>>>               
> > from
> >   
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>> OFBiz community.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Jacques
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> De : "Anthony Enrione" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> We are using Ofbiz to build an ecommerce site and i am
> >>>>>>>>                 
> > currently
> >   
> >>>>>>>> evaluating workflow engines. I have seen that Ofbiz has it's
> >>>>>>>>                 
> > own
> >   
> >>>>>>>> workflow engine which (from the source code) looks fairly
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>> complete.
> >>>       
> >>>>>>>> There is also support for the Ehydra Workflow engine. I have
> >>>>>>>>                 
> > some
> >   
> >>>>>>>> questions regarding the two:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> What is the state of the internal workflow engine in Ofbiz? Is
> >>>>>>>>                 
> > it
> >   
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>>>> fully
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>>>>> functional? If not what areas need to be worked on?
> >>>>>>>> Why was Ehydra chosen to replace the existing Workflow engine
> >>>>>>>>                 
> > in
> >   
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>>>> Ofbiz?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>               
> >>>>>>>> How well does it integrate with Ofbiz?
> >>>>>>>> Does anybody have any experience of using either of the two
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>> systems?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>           
> >>>>>>>> Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Anthony.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>                 
> >>>>>           
> >
> >
> >   

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