I think it would be helpful to agree on how content management should be
used. I am thinking primarily of things like news articles, blogs, forums,
etc. They all have a lot of similarities and if there were patterns for
designing them, it would allow for more reuse.

Often with website content there is content and then there is a summary
piece that may go on a front page and then points to the main content. In
the past I have used "SUB_CONTENT" as the
ContentAssoc.contentAssocTypeIdvalue from the publish point to the
main content. Then I associate the
summary content to the main content with a
ContentAssoc.contentAssocTypeIdvalue = "SUMMARY". But I can see that
there will be situations in which
things get more complicated, where there will be comments and surveys
attached to the main content. Also, I recently made the main content hang on
the summary because at the time it made more sense.

Question #1: Should ContentAssoc.contentAssocTypeId be used to link the
other types of content to the main content (ie. "COMMENTS", "SURVEYS", etc.)
or should ContentAssoc.contentAssocPredicateId be used (ex. "summarizes",
"comments", etc.) and the contentAssocTypeId always be SUB_CONTENT?

Question #2: How should multiple page content of the same article be
structured? All content associated to the publish point as main content
with incremented ContentAssoc.sequenceNums or should they come off of the
main content and each page extend from the preceding page?

Question #3: Should we do away with the idea of "main content" and make an
"article" a complex, virtual content (sort of a placeholder) off of which
all data content hangs (main, summary, comment, etc.)?


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