Thanks David,

I will have a look at it soon.


> Jacques Le Roux wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to do some maintenance work on the doc. I'm interested
in 2 parts : POS and Simple-Method pages.
> >
> > I would like to "refactor" the POS by including comments from Cedar
in page For this area I have edit rights, but
not for comments. I need to edit, cut/paste in page body then delete
> Okay, I gave you additional permissions in the wiki area so you can
remove comments, etc.
> > In the case of the Simple-Method page I would like to use (merge,
let free to generate ?) and (which comes from in place of which is deprecated. I have
any edit rights on this last page.
> >
> > BTW I have a question : should we keep this page (and later
eventually other like this one) outside of Confluence ?
> Yes, we should just move that to Confluence in the technical space.
Once you have moved the content just remove the file (and actually you
should have access to the entire ofbiz SVN tree now).
> -David

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