
I can't edit the page. Here is my info:

Name    Adrian Crum
email   adrianc at hlmksw.com
Company Hallmark-Southwest Corporation
Location        Loma Linda, CA USA
Since   2007-06-14
applications    x

Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

I've forgotten to mention, please also help to fill in the information about you in this page:


If you can't edit the page directly, you can add a comment to it with your data or just send me a mail.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

Hi guys,

it would be great if you all will prepare a profile file to be submitted to http://people.apache.org

Please find the attached one (my profile) and feel free to use it as a template (you can remove the parts that you don't want to fill, such as the blog section); you can then commit it to the area reserved to committers of the Apache svn or just send them back to me, and they will be published (and you'll be listed as committers of the OFBiz project). The nice feature is that if you will provide your geo coordinates, you'll be included in the Apache committers' map:



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