Sorry Rashko,

Did not see that you proposed to write a patch. My apologies.



De : "Jacopo Cappellato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi Rashko,
> this is interesting... and it seems definitely a bug.
> Are you entering the order from the order manager application or 
> ecommerce? (please try with the order manager application)
> Could you please try to use a credit card instead of COD (together with 
> billing account)? Is it happening the same thing?
> Please let me know and I will help you to fix.
> Jacopo
> Rashko Rejmer wrote:
> > I want to ask if anyone can tell me if my assumptions are right, because I
> > see that there are some inaccuracy when trying to pay sales order by billing
> > account and by another payment method.
> > 
> > I create sales order to party, that has a billing account. In the screen
> > "Order Entry Payment Settings" I chose:
> >  - the billing account associated to this party;
> >  - bill up to - half of the order total;
> >  - COD(radio button)
> >  
> > My assumptions were that 2 OrderPaymentPreference records would be created:
> >  - first for the half amount of the order total for the billing account and 
> >  - second for the other half amount of the order total for COD payment;
> > but 3 records are created - two for this billing account with half of the
> > amount and one for COD with 0 amount.
> > 
> > Is this a bug or I am wrong with my assumptions?
> > If this is a bug please give me some tips me for the right solution and I
> > will try to apply a patch!
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > Rashko Rejmer

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