Interesting, and cool. Do they need to be part of the primary key? I guess the 
point of that would be to support multiple Agreement/Item associations for a 
certain set of SupplierProduct parameters.

This would give you basically a to effectively have a many-to-many association 
between and Agreement/Item and a certain set of SupplierProduct values. So, I 
guess that's my question, do we really need that or is it adequate to have 
multiple SupplierProduct records for a single Agreement/Item, but for a given 
set of SupplierProduct values you would only have one Agreement/Item that it 
points to.

If we really do need a many-to-many association, perhaps a join entity going 
between them would be a good idea, and then it could have from/thru dates and 
flexibility for future fields that describe the relationship and such.


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:

ideally, I'd like to define the two fields as primary key fields (I know that this entity has already a very complex primary key...) for the SupplierProduct entity; of course they could be set to "_NA_" if no agreement information is available.

Then, if an agreement is associated to a purchase order at the beginning of the order entry, it will be used not only to set a currency and the terms for the order (as is now) but also to select the SupplierProduct belonging to that agreement; if they are not found then the _NA_ ones could be used.


David E Jones wrote:

This is an interesting idea to perhaps reconcile the different worlds of ProductSupplier versus Agreement to figure out purchase prices. How do you see these working together once this link is estabished?


Jacopo Cappellato wrote:
Hi all,

I'd like to add two new optional fields to the SupplierProduct entity: agreementId and angreementItemSeqId

In this way it will be possible to associate the supplier product entries to an existing agreement with a supplier. Then I will create a new subscreen under the Agreement screen to list and manage all the SupplierProduct entries associated to the agreement (and supplier).

Is it ok?


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