Adam Heath wrote:
> 2: Events and templates are quite advanced in webslinger.  These are
> based on bsf(the template engine extends BSFManager), so the programming
> api is proven.  bsf has been extended to support more advanced file-like
> loading.  The primary parameter based to bsf is no longer a String, but
> a generic Object(this doesn't actually change the api; if you look
> closely, it already takes an Object).  A generic simple vfs-lookup
> interface is then used to fetch a String/InputStream from that object,
> for handling by each engine.  There are also several patches that add to
> the api, so that proper caching of compiled/parsed templates/classes can
> be done(for extreme speed).  We have fast implementations of events for:
> java(janino), javascript(rhino), python(jython), ruby(jruby),
> python(quercus), beanshell; templates for: velocity, freemarker.

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