I have used unique IDs that have some kind of semantic meaning. For example:

enum_id       enum_desc
-----------   ---------
MATL_TYPE_1   Brick
MATL_TYPE_2   Paper
MATL_TYPE_3   Sand

METAL_TYPE_2  Platinum
METAL_TYPE_3  Silver


MrJohnBrown wrote:
Hi Guys,

I have a number of the enumerations sets of different types but the problem
is that they have same ids. Example:

But in the ofbiz enumeration entity enum_id is the only primary key, so I am
not able to load those sets as is. Will it no be a problem with ofbiz
dependant stuff if I change the primary key of Enumeration entity to be a
composite key which will include two fields (enum_id, enum_type_id) ?
Please, let me know if it can cause any problems to the legacy data model?

Thanks for any replies.

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