
I have been working with the ofbiz release 4.0 and I made some patchs
to correct some behaviour or to add some functionalities.

Here they are:
calculate_date_diff.patch.gz                       ==> To permit to
use the calculate function in the minilang services with Date objects.
jasperreports_diff.patch.gz                         ==> To permit to
have a view with jasperreports to export to excel using the poi api,
or the jxls api.
calendar_diff.patch.gz                                ==> To correct
the problem with the window popup to select the date
sql_complexalias_constant_diff.patch.gz   ==> To permit to use
constant and SQL function in entities which has complex-alias fields

If you want any more information on this patch, I am available.

I would like to know also where I could find a hosting for a ofbiz web
application. Is there a provedor which give this kind of service?


Fabien Carrion

()  Campagne du ruban ASCII -- Contre les mails en html
/\  contre les pieces-jointes Microsoft
Web: http://fabien.carrion.free.fr/

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