On Oct 15, 2007, at 10:27 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

Tim Ruppert wrote:
I'm way into seeing groovy included - what's the license on that?


Which mentions APL 2.0.  So, perfect.

I wrote caching implementations of janino(java), bsh, groovy,
rhino(javascript), quercus(php), and jruby(ruby), extended bsf to
support faster loading(but I plan on redoing that, so it doesn't require
any bsf changes).

So, ofbiz just needs better bsf integration, and you can get groovy for
free.  Locally, we can already use groovy files for services.

Yeah, that's cool Adam. This is definitely something we want in the project.

I don't think we want to have any Groovy code aside from examples in OFBiz, but support for it is excellent. Basically we don't want to force people to learn a bunch of different scripting languages and other optional tools, but we certainly want to make it possible and easy to use them if that is what a group using OFBiz prefers!


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