It's running from a stock checkout from last night. I was just wondering as these things are going in - if any of these are being tested. if not, then I'd say we should probably look at what's happening.

No need for box access today as far as I can tell - just wanna ensure we're checking those bases and wasn't sure if anyone had seen this as of yet.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


On Oct 19, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Adam Heath wrote:

Tim Ruppert wrote:
Adam, when you get a chance, with all of your mods - can you take a look
at what's broken in the OOTB stuff in the demo?

Er, I can't debug a remote machine.  Please verify whether things are
working in a checkout from head. I do not know if the above is running
the latest head.

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