> I have zero understanding of the needs of European accounting requirements
> (if they are different) and the differences with U.S. ones.

Two persons (former clients of mine) seems to be interested to work on the 
accouting module on their own free time. One has a solid
background as manager and the other as  programmer.
I will not work myself on this task but I will try as much as I'm able to to 
put them on the right track. These persons have worked
with Neogia (not in the Neogia team but as users) and don't want to follow the 
way Neogia was built on the accounting side. They
have a good understanding of the OFBiz accounting model and find it more open 
that Neogia's. Hopefully new strenghts with an
European view on accounting (I know Jacopo has also an European view ;o)


> Skip

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