Hi Allan,

I look your issue on Stackoverflow and I not understand what you tried to do with the legacy-db.

How you connect on this db, where is define the data model relative to this db. Do you define some crud service relative to entities that you want to expose ?


Le 10/08/2017 à 08:12, Allan Zarsuela a écrit :
Hi OFBiz Dev/Admin Team,

Good day! Currently, most of my concern is to integrate our company system
OFBiz Accounting module. I am following the tutorial but I am currently
experiencing bugs/bottlenecks such as in connecting to a legacy db and the
the SOAP RPC example integration with LifeRay(https://cwiki.apache.
I am missing the correct jars. As I see there are deprecated tutorials, I
don't know which one will fit the release 16.11 svn release. For this, I
created an issue in stackoverflow.com which is

Now, I am trying the REST approach in https://cwiki.apache.org/confl

As a summary, I am passing payment info from a separate JSF application
towards OFBiz Accounting module. So as I look in the OFBiz documentation,
there are several ways... 1. By reading XML file 2. Via connecting to a
legacy db 3. By SOAP RPC 4. Via REST. So the tutorials from 2,3,4 methods
are very limited and missing details. And I don't know even it works in the
latest version of 16.11 updated svn link.

Platform Summary:

Eclipse Oxygen(OFBiz)
Netbeans IDE(Remote Application/Our PrimeFace-JSF application)
Ubuntu 16.04
For SOAP RPC client :

I hope you can help me find the necessary tutorial for the integration.
Thanks a lot!


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