Hey Jacques,

It seems to be correct again for:

   - https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org
   - https://demo-stable.ofbiz.apache.org
   - https;//demo-old.ofbiz.apache.org

The expiration date is now: Nov 2nd, 2017

Best regards,

Pierre Smits

ORRTIZ.COM <http://www.orrtiz.com>
OFBiz based solutions & services

OEM - the independent OFBiz Extensions Marketplace

On Fri, Aug 4, 2017 at 4:29 PM, Jacques Le Roux <
jacques.le.r...@les7arts.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Today I noticed our Let's encrypt certificate renewal failed. So I asked
> help on Infra Hipchat. It's a known issue and actually easy to fix.
> For history and possibly future need, here the discussion I had with Chris
> Thistlethwaite:
> [4:14 PM] Jacques Le Roux: Hi, we have an issue with let'sEncrypt
> certificate (3 months, right?) renewal for OFBiz demos:
> https://demo-trunk.ofbiz.apache.org
> I remember we had that already, but did not find a request into my closed
> infra request.
> So I guess I asked for a solution here and did not note it
> [4:15 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: most likely in here :)
> [4:16 PM] Jacques Le Roux: yep, but too late for history I guess
> [4:16 PM] Jacques Le Roux: BTW we are Pupettized if that helps :)
> [4:19 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: @jleroux fixed!
> [4:19 PM] Jacques Le Roux: Great stuff @christ :) What was it?
> [4:20 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: we have a bit of an issue with letsencrypt
> renewals as the renewal process tries to use port 443, which httpd is bound
> to, thus it fails. Work around is to stop httpd, run the renewal, start
> httpd back up
> [4:21 PM] Jacques Le Roux: I should be able to do that myself on our VM,
> right?
> [4:21 PM] Jacques Le Roux: Mmm not sure about "run the renewal"...
> [4:21 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: you have sudo on that right? if so then
> yeah
> [4:22 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: check the cron job for root
> [4:22 PM] Jacques Le Roux: Yes sudo I have
> [4:22 PM] Jacques Le Roux: OK I note that, thanks !
> [4:22 PM] Chris Thistlethwaite: np, hope we have that fixed before it
> needs renewed again
> [4:22 PM] Jacques Le Roux: yep, let's see ;)
> FWIW (I did not try myself)
> Jacques

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