I think that if the README.md.html is a file used by the wiki, then it
should not be in the code base. The code base should not act as a
place to store files for servers to display

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 11:57 AM,  <jler...@apache.org> wrote:
> Author: jleroux
> Date: Thu Sep  7 08:57:09 2017
> New Revision: 1807572
> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1807572&view=rev
> Log:
> Updates the README.md.html file for the wiki page which uses it
> Modified:
>     ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/README.md.html
> Modified: ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/README.md.html
> URL: 
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/README.md.html?rev=1807572&r1=1807571&r2=1807572&view=diff
> ==============================================================================
> --- ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/README.md.html (original)
> +++ ofbiz/ofbiz-framework/trunk/README.md.html Thu Sep  7 08:57:09 2017
> @@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ under the License.
>  <p><a href="http://ofbiz.apache.org/documentation.html";>OFBiz 
> documentation</a></p>
>  <p><a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0";>OFBiz License</a></p>
>  <blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: since the trunk was split into 
> <strong>ofbiz-framework</strong> and <strong>ofbiz-plugins</strong>, the 
> specialpurpose and hot-deploy directories have disappeared. New components 
> must be put in a plugins directory which works as was the hot-deploy 
> directory. If you need to load the components in a specific order put a 
> component-load.xml file in the plugins directory.</br> For OFBiz existing 
> components, check them out using the Gradle tasks below. To check out a 
> component, in a created on the fly plugins directory, use the 
> <strong>pullPluginSource</strong> Gradle task. To get all components use 
> <strong>pullAllPluginsSource</strong>. <strong>Beware</strong> this deletes a 
> previously existing plugins directory.</p>
> +<p><em>Note</em>: If you want to use Eclipse, read the &quot;Setup eclipse 
> project for OFBiz&quot; section to set it up.</p>
>  </blockquote>
> -<h2 id="system-requirements">System requirements</h2>
> -<p>The only requirement to run OFBiz is to have the Java Development Kit 
> (JDK) version 8 installed on your system (not just the JRE, but the full JDK) 
> which you can download from the below link.</p>
> -<p><a 
> href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html";>JDK 
> download</a></p>
>  <blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: if you are using Eclipse, make sure of running the 
> appropriate Eclipse command <code>gradlew eclipse</code> before creating the 
> project in Eclipse. This command will prepare OFBiz for Eclipse with the 
> correct classpath and settings by creating the.classpath and .project 
> files.</p>
> +<p><em>Note</em>: If you want to use an external database like MySQL or 
> PostgreSQL, read the &quot;Setup an external database&quot; section to set it 
> up.</p>
>  </blockquote>
>  <blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: if you want to use an external DBMS, instead of the 
> embedded Derby, you will need a JDBC driver. The only thing you need to do is 
> add a dependency in build.gradle to the MySQL/PostgreSQL/whatever JDBC 
> driver. Search in Jcenter for the database driver suitable for the database 
> installed on your production system. For example, under the dependencies 
> section you can add something like this for mysql: <code>runtime 
> 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.36'</code> Of course you need to make sure 
> the connector is compatible with <em>your</em> version of the database 
> installed!</p>
> +<p>Note : The directory structure and repositories have changed. For more 
> information read the &quot;Repository and directory structure&quot; 
> section.</p>
>  </blockquote>
> +<h2 id="system-requirements">System requirements</h2>
> +<p>The only requirement to run OFBiz is to have the Java Development Kit 
> (JDK) version 8 installed on your system (not just the JRE, but the full JDK) 
> which you can download from the below link. Make sure of setting the 
> $JAVA_HOME environment variable.</p>
> +<p><a 
> href="http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html";>JDK 
> download</a></p>
>  <h2 id="quick-start">Quick start</h2>
>  <p>To quickly install and fire-up OFBiz, please follow the below 
> instructions from the command line at the OFBiz top level directory 
> (folder)</p>
>  <h3 id="prepare-ofbiz">Prepare OFBiz:</h3>
> @@ -53,21 +53,15 @@ under the License.
>  <p>MS Windows: <code>gradlew ofbiz</code></p>
>  <p>Unix-like OS: <code>./gradlew ofbiz</code></p>
>  <blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: then ignore the % progress indicator because this task 
> does not end as long as OFBiz is running.</p>
> +<p><em>Note</em>: Ignore the % progress indicator because this task does not 
> end as long as OFBiz is running.</p>
>  </blockquote>
>  <h3 id="visit-ofbiz-through-your-browser">Visit OFBiz through your 
> browser:</h3>
>  <p><a href="https://localhost:8443/ordermgr";>Order Back Office</a></p>
>  <p><a href="https://localhost:8443/accounting";>Accounting Back Office</a></p>
>  <p><a href="https://localhost:8443/webtools";>Administrator interface</a></p>
>  <p>You can log in with the user <strong>admin</strong> and password 
> <strong>ofbiz</strong>.</p>
> -<blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: the default configuration uses an embedded Java database 
> (Apache Derby) and embedded application server components such as Apache 
> Tomcat®, Apache Geronimo (transaction manager), etc.</p>
> -</blockquote>
>  <h2 id="security">Security</h2>
> -<p>You can trust the OFBiz Project Management Committee members and 
> committers do their best to keep OFBiz secure from external exploits, and fix 
> vulnerabilities as soon as they are known. Despite these efforts, if ever you 
> find and want to report a security issue, please report at: security @ 
> ofbiz.apache.org, before disclosing them in a public forum.</p>
> -<blockquote>
> -<p><em>Note</em>: Be sure to read this Wiki page if ever you plan to use 
> RMI, JNDI, JMX or Spring and maybe other Java classes OFBiz does not use Out 
> Of The Box (OOTB): <a 
> href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/The+infamous+Java+serialization+vulnerability";>The
>  infamous Java serialization vulnerability</a></p>
> -</blockquote>
> +<p>If you find a security issue, please report it to: security @ 
> ofbiz.apache.org. Once proper mitigations to the security issues are complete 
> the OFBiz team will disclose this information to the public mailing list.</p>
>  <p>You can find more information about security in OFBiz at <a 
> href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Keeping+OFBiz+secure";>Keeping
>  OFBiz secure</a></p>
>  <hr />
>  <h2 id="build-system-syntax">Build system syntax</h2>
> @@ -103,7 +97,7 @@ under the License.
>  <p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --shutdown --portoffset 10000&quot;</code></p>
>  <p><code>gradlew ofbiz</code> (default is --start)</p>
>  <h4 id="example-mixed-tasks-standard-and-ofbiz-server">Example mixed tasks 
> (standard and OFBiz server)</h4>
> -<p><code>gradlew cleanAll loadAll &quot;ofbiz --start&quot;</code></p>
> +<p><code>gradlew cleanAll loadAll &quot;ofbiz --start --portoffset 
> 10000&quot;</code></p>
>  <hr />
>  <h2 id="quick-reference">Quick reference</h2>
>  <p>You can use the below common list of tasks as a quick reference for 
> controlling the system. This document uses the windows task syntax, if you 
> are on a Unix-like system, you need to add the <code>./</code> to gradlew 
> i.e. <code>./gradlew</code></p>
> @@ -161,12 +155,32 @@ under the License.
>  <li><strong>ext-test</strong>: External Test Data (custom)</li>
>  <li><strong>ext-demo</strong>: External Demo Data (custom)</li>
>  </ul>
> +<p>Available options for the --load-data server command are the 
> following:</p>
> +<ul>
> +<li><strong>readers=[name]</strong>: only load data from certain readers 
> separated by comma. e.g. seed,seed-initial,ext</li>
> +<li><strong>file=[path]</strong>: load a single file from location or 
> several files separated by commas. e.g. /my/file/1,/my/file/2</li>
> +<li><strong>dir=[path]</strong>: load all data files found in directory</li>
> +<li><strong>component=[name]</strong>: only load data from a specific 
> component. e.g. base</li>
> +<li><strong>delegator=[name]</strong>: use the defined delegator. Default is 
> &quot;default&quot;. If the value passed is 
> <strong>&quot;all-tenants&quot;</strong> then OFBiz will load the data for 
> all defined tenants in the system.</li>
> +<li><strong>group=[name]</strong>: override the entity group 
> (org.apache.ofbiz). e.g. com.example.something</li>
> +<li><strong>timeout=[millis]</strong>: timeout in milliseconds</li>
> +<li><strong>create-pks</strong>: create primary keys</li>
> +<li><strong>drop-pks</strong>: drop primary keys</li>
> +<li><strong>create-constraints</strong>: create indexes and foreign keys 
> after loading</li>
> +<li><strong>drop-constraints</strong>: drop indexes and foreign keys before 
> loading</li>
> +<li><strong>create-fks</strong>: create dummy (placeholder) foreign keys</li>
> +<li><strong>maintain-txs</strong>: maintain timestamps in data file</li>
> +<li><strong>try-inserts</strong>: use mostly inserts</li>
> +<li><strong>repair-columns</strong>: repair column sizes (default is true w/ 
> drop-constraints)</li>
> +<li><strong>continue-on-failure</strong>: By default OFBiz will fail and 
> stop if it is unable to load any of the files it is attempting to load. By 
> passing this property OFBiz will ignore failures and continue loading all 
> files</li>
> +</ul>
> +<h4 id="load-specific-ofbiz-data">Load specific OFBiz data</h4>
>  <p>you can choose which data readers to pass in the following syntax:</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --load-data 
> readers=&lt;readers-here-comma-separated&gt;&quot;</code></p>
>  <p>Example:</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --load-data 
> readers=seed,seed-initial,ext,ext-demo&quot;</code></p>
> -<h4 id="load-default-ofbiz-data">Load default OFBiz data</h4>
> -<p>Loads default data set; meant for initial loading of generic OFBiz data. 
> Can be applied for development, testing, demonstration, etc. purposes. Be 
> aware that executing this task can result in your data being overwritten in 
> your database of choice. Use with caution in production environments. The 
> default data set is defined by datasource using the read-data attribute, 
> followed by the name of the data set, into the datasource element of the 
> 'entityengine.xml' file.</p>
> +<h4 id="load-all-ofbiz-data">Load all OFBiz data</h4>
> +<p>Loads all data sets; meant for initial loading of generic OFBiz data. Can 
> be applied for development, testing, demonstration, etc. purposes. Be aware 
> that executing this task can result in your data being overwritten in your 
> database of choice. Use with caution in production environments.</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew loadAll</code></p>
>  <p>OR</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --load-data&quot;</code></p>
> @@ -219,22 +233,32 @@ under the License.
>  <p><code>gradlew testIntegration</code></p>
>  <p>OR</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew 'ofbiz --test'</code></p>
> +<h4 id="execute-integration-tests-with-a-different-log-level">Execute 
> integration tests with a different log level</h4>
> +<p>It is possible to start integration tests with a log level different from 
> the default one. The log levels allowed are listed below from most verbose to 
> least verbose:</p>
> +<ul>
> +<li>always</li>
> +<li>verbose</li>
> +<li>timing</li>
> +<li>info</li>
> +<li>important</li>
> +<li>warning</li>
> +<li>error</li>
> +<li>fatal</li>
> +</ul>
> +<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --test loglevel=fatal&quot;</code></p>
>  <h4 id="execute-an-integration-test-case">Execute an integration test 
> case</h4>
>  <p>run a test case, in this example the component is &quot;entity&quot; and 
> the case name is &quot;entity-tests&quot;</p>
> -<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --test component=entity --test 
> case=entity-tests&quot;</code></p>
> -<h4 id="execute-an-integration-test-case-in-debug-mode">Execute an 
> integration test case in debug mode</h4>
> +<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --test component=entity --test 
> suitename=entitytests --test case=entity-query-tests&quot;</code></p>
> +<h4 
> id="execute-an-integration-test-case-in-debug-mode-with-verbose-log">Execute 
> an integration test case in debug mode with verbose log</h4>
>  <p>listens on port <strong>5005</strong></p>
> -<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbizDebug --test component=entity --test 
> case=entity-tests&quot;</code></p>
> +<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbizDebug --test component=entity --test 
> loglevel=verbose&quot;</code></p>
>  <h4 id="execute-an-integration-test-suite">Execute an integration test 
> suite</h4>
> -<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --test component=widget --test 
> suitename=widgettests&quot;</code></p>
> +<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbiz --test component=entity --test 
> suitename=entitytests&quot;</code></p>
>  <h4 id="execute-an-integration-test-suite-in-debug-mode">Execute an 
> integration test suite in debug mode</h4>
>  <p>listens on port <strong>5005</strong></p>
> -<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbizDebug --test component=widget --test 
> suitename=widgettests&quot;</code></p>
> +<p><code>gradlew &quot;ofbizDebug --test component=entity --test 
> suitename=entitytests&quot;</code></p>
>  <hr />
>  <h3 id="miscellaneous-tasks">Miscellaneous tasks</h3>
> -<h4 id="launch-a-graphical-user-interface-of-gradle">Launch a graphical user 
> interface of Gradle</h4>
> -<p>This is a very convenient feature of Gradle which allows the user to 
> interact with Gradle through a swing GUI. You can save frequently used 
> commands in a list of favorites for frequent reuse.</p>
> -<p><code>gradlew --gui</code></p>
>  <h4 id="run-all-tests-on-a-clean-system">Run all tests on a clean system</h4>
>  <p><code>gradlew cleanAll loadAll testIntegration</code></p>
>  <h4 id="clean-all-generated-artifacts">Clean all generated artifacts</h4>
> @@ -251,7 +275,7 @@ under the License.
>  <p>The below command activates a gradle plugin (OWASP) and Identifies and 
> reports known vulnerabilities (CVEs) in OFBiz library dependencies. This 
> command takes a long time to execute because it needs to download all plugin 
> dependencies and the CVE identification process is also time consuming. But 
> it's the only way to check OFBiz does not use vulnerable libraries.</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew -PenableOwasp dependencyCheck</code></p>
>  <h4 id="setup-eclipse-project-for-ofbiz">Setup eclipse project for OFBiz</h4>
> -<p>Setting up OFBiz on eclipse is easy by simply running the below command 
> and then importing the project to eclipse. This command will generate the 
> necessary <strong>.classpath</strong> and <strong>.project</strong> files for 
> eclipse and it will also make the source code for external libraries 
> available in eclipse (i.e. you can view source through Ctrl + Click)</p>
> +<p>Setting up OFBiz on eclipse is done by simply running the below command 
> and then importing the project to eclipse. This command will generate the 
> necessary <strong>.classpath</strong> and <strong>.project</strong> files for 
> eclipse and it will also make the source code for external libraries 
> available in eclipse (i.e. you can view source through Ctrl + Click)</p>
>  <p>The first time you run this command it will take a long time to execute 
> because it will download source packages available for project 
> dependencies.</p>
>  <p><code>gradlew eclipse</code></p>
>  <hr />
> @@ -319,12 +343,35 @@ under the License.
>  <p><code>gradlew pushPlugin -PpluginId=myplugin</code></p>
>  <p><code>gradlew pushPlugin -PpluginId=mycompany 
> -PpluginGroup=com.mycompany.ofbiz.plugin -PpluginVersion=1.2.3 
> -PpluginDescription=&quot;Introduce special functionality X&quot;</code></p>
>  <hr />
> -<h2 id="useful-tips">Useful Tips</h2>
> -<h3 id="gradle-tab-completion-on-unix-like-systems">Gradle tab-completion on 
> Unix-like systems:</h3>
> +<h2 id="miscellaneous-documentation">Miscellaneous Documentation</h2>
> +<h3 id="repository-and-directory-structure">Repository and directory 
> structure</h3>
> +<p>OFBiz is split into two repositories:</p>
> +<ul>
> +<li><p><strong>ofbiz-framework</strong>: Contains the core framework and 
> main applications in the system like accounting, party, order, etc</p></li>
> +<li><p><strong>ofbiz-plugins</strong>: Renamed from 
> &quot;special-purpose&quot; and contains optional components that are 
> officially supported by the community</p></li>
> +</ul>
> +<p>Furthermore, the hot-deploy directory is removed as the plugins directory 
> works as a replacement for both &quot;special-purpose&quot; and 
> &quot;hot-deploy&quot;.</p>
> +<p>If you need to load the components in the plugins directory in a specific 
> order place a component-load.xml file in the plugins directory listing the 
> order.</p>
> +<p>To check out a plugin from source control use the 
> <strong>pullPluginSource</strong> Gradle task. To check out all plugins from 
> source control use the <strong>pullAllPluginsSource</strong>. 
> <strong>Beware</strong> this deletes a previously existing plugins 
> directory.</p>
> +<h3 id="setup-an-external-database-like-mysql-postgresql-etc">Setup an 
> external database like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc</h3>
> +<p>To setup an external database instead of the default embedded Apache 
> Derby, you will need to follow the following instructions:</p>
> +<ol style="list-style-type: decimal">
> +<li>Find the JDBC driver suitable for your database using one of the 
> following options:</li>
> +</ol>
> +<ul>
> +<li><p>Search for the JDBC driver in <a 
> href="https://bintray.com/bintray/jcenter";>jcenter</a> and place it in 
> build.gradle dependencies e.g. <code>runtime 
> 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.36'</code></p>
> +<p>OR</p></li>
> +<li><p>Download the JDBC driver jar and place it in $OFBIZ_HOME/lib or the 
> lib sub-directory of any component</p></li>
> +</ul>
> +<ol start="2" style="list-style-type: decimal">
> +<li>Modify the entityengine.xml file located in 
> $OFBIZ_HOME/framework/entity/config to switch the default database to the one 
> you selected. For more details you can read the relevant section in the <a 
> href="https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Apache+OFBiz+Technical+Production+Setup+Guide";>technical
>  setup guide</a></li>
> +</ol>
> +<h3 id="setup-gradle-tab-completion-on-unix-like-systems">Setup gradle 
> tab-completion on Unix-like systems:</h3>
>  <p>To get tab completion (auto complete gradle commands by pressing tab) you 
> can download the script from the below link and place it in the appropriate 
> location for your system.</p>
> -<p><a href="https://gist.github.com/Ea87/46401a96df31cd208a87";>Gradle tab 
> completion</a></p>
> +<p><a href="https://edub.me/gradle-completion-bash";>Gradle tab 
> completion</a></p>
>  <p>For example, on debian based systems, you can use the following 
> command:</p>
> -<p><code>sudo curl -L -s 
> https://gist.github.com/Ea87/46401a96df31cd208a87/raw/gradle-tab-completion.bash
>  -o /etc/bash_completion.d/gradle-tab-completion.bash</code></p>
> +<p><code>sudo curl -L -s https://edub.me/gradle-completion-bash -o 
> /etc/bash_completion.d/gradle-tab-completion.bash</code></p>
> +<hr />
>  <h2 id="crypto-notice">Crypto notice</h2>
>  <p>This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which 
> you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, 
> and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any 
> encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and 
> policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of 
> encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See <a 
> href="http://www.wassenaar.org/"; class="uri">http://www.wassenaar.org/</a> 
> for more information.</p>
>  <p>The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and 
> Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control 
> Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using 
> or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form 
> and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible 
> for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted 
> (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 
> 740.13) for both object code and source code.</p>

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